The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Is Trump A Rothschild Agent?7:3255 346
If The Government Can't Censor Infowars, Google Will6:2415 880
Lauren Southern And The Madness Behind The Battle Of Berkeley21:1657 174
Internet Freedom Is Over!14:2736 110
Communism Crept In While America Was Sleeping5:5017 326
Full Show - Google Caught in Giant Censorship Scandal - 04/17/20172:53:5635 930
NK Vows Weekly Missile Launch, Nuke War 'At Any Moment'2:09:1960 855
DoD Science Advisor Debunks Gas Attack In Syria15:4723 810
Infowars Is First Target In Google's War Against Free Speech6:3211 317
The Battle Of Berkeley 2: Huge Victory For Patriots8:0039 868
MS-13 Terrorizes Long Island NY6:2027 498
How PewDiePie Red Pilled 55M People4:5465 782
Neo-Con Trolls Paid To Attack New Media8:407 999
Migrants Used As Weapon To Destabilize The West2:226 316
Globalists Sabotage Marine Le Pen5:0016 191
Real Existential Threat To MSM Is New Media7:386 118
Assad Chemical Weapons Truth Exposed6:4219 344
Cernovich: Google Caught Censoring Infowars And Other Conservative News Sites10:4826 333
NY Times Says Trump Should Help ISIS5:3312 383
North Korea: Is It Worth Risking Nuclear Holocaust?12:1323 498
Pence: End Of Strategic Patience With North Korea1:1514 273
Trump Approval Rating Pops To 50%1:549 663
CNN Refuses To Show Race Of Cleveland Killer7:2524 557
North Korea Will Test Nuclear Missiles Weekly3:2818 037
Google Dirty Tricks Escalate Fight Against 1st Amendment13:1013 036
Video: Anti-Trump VS Pro-Trump Brawls2:3614 337
Conservative News Under Assault By Google Plan To Delist Opposition8:446 346
Breaking: Confirmed Leak Details Google's Unethical Program To Influence SEO6:3710 193
Infowars Under Unprecedented Attack By Secret Google Program5:4120 900
Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, & Mike Cernovich LIVE In Austin11:53170 935
General McMaster Says North Korea Coming To A Head8:31184 213
The Secret Behind Trump's Tax Returns Revealed21:1392 520
BREAKING: North Korean Missile Launch Challenge To Trump Fails At Launch11:22248 432
Rainbow Snatch Goes To Hollywood13:3878 660
EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Dishes On Latest White House Power Struggle33:51103 916
BREAKING: North Korea Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump18:16452 588
Godfather Of Disinformation Exposed1:1048 744
Could North Korea Be "Taken Care Of" This Weekend14:5380 759
Will North Korea's Reign Of Terror Be Stopped?1:00:6085 272
Turkey To Vote To Become An International Caliphate5:2546 943
Full Show - Nuclear Showdown This Weekend In North Korea - 04/14/20172:56:4099 896
Muslim War On Cross Cancels Easter In Egypt18:1031 402
WikiLeaks Exposes “HIVE” & Hypocrisy of CIA Director12:1030 839
UK Govt: Facebook Leaves Pedophile Content Up After Being Notified3:4617 426
Mike Cernovich Blows The Lid Off Of Trump Admin Controversy Amid Threat Of WWIII2:07:39179 614
Gavin McInnes Learns About MSM Fake News Campaign Against American Patriots4:3814 071
Gavin McInnes: Why Did George Soros Give Jared Kushner $250M?3:4448 969
Gavin McInnes: Will Generation Z Save The Planet?9:5615 344
Why Do Feminists Want To Be Islamic Sex Slaves?8:3244 477
Gavin McInnes: If Trump Falters We Will Hold His Feet To The Fire2:2716 218
Gavin McInnes On How To Be A Man6:7022 881
Gavin McInnes: "The Left Are Calling For Violence Against Patriot Rally In Berkeley"5:5832 705
Colorized Video Of MOAB Bomb Blast In Afghanistan0:5581 418
Trump Sends Powerful Message To Communist Leaders5:1030 344
Kim Jong Un Is One Wrong Move From Total Annihilation4:5050 499
Ivanka And Kushner Are Media's New Puppets7:6016 587
Dissenters Of Trump's Actions Lose His Ear4:408 935
Obama Hides From His Mistakes In French Polynesia2:5319 041
Mike Cernovich: I Love Being Attacked By Lying MSM12:2828 304
Mike Cernovich Exposes Internet's "Sock Puppet" War6:1214 860
Strategic Patience Is Leading To WW39:7030 294
Inversion of Reality, False Logic Paradigm Discovered.7:358 008
China Says Nuclear War Inevitable If US And North Korea Don't Back Down18:0030 227
Video: Mega Bomb Hits ISIS Stronghold Air Force Footage6:2369 001
Mother Of All Bombs Shakes The World19:4053 792
Trump Keeps Winning On Domestic Policy12:0014 692
Maxine Waters Stands With Spousal Abuse6:3114 951
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Inside The Secret Pedophile Marketplace14:2294 681
Infowars Nightly News Live - Trump's Big Warning To North Korea - 04/13/20171:00:3982 080
North Korea May Trigger Volcano And Destroy Itself5:3263 413
Alex Jones: Impeach Donald Trump36:42447 780
Wars Of The Past Echo The Future Of WWIII5:3816 859
United We Fall... Get Off The Plane16:4221 776
Full Show - Trump Approval Rating Rises - 04/13/20172:56:1018 316
Assad Accuses The West Of Staging Terror Attacks6:4110 459
Trump Flexes The Mother Of All Muscles11:4534 828
LIVE! New Wikileaks: Hillary Told "Al Qaeda Is On Our Side"2:06:0089 228
Think Tank Admits Saudi Arabia Behind Al Qaeda/Isis In Syria4:266 422
BREAKING: Kidnapped Children Sold On The Dark Web21:1723 478
Video: CNN Caught Again, Faking War News5:3462 711
Supernova Globalist Collapse And How Trump Is Winning4:5615 080
Trump Is Like A Good Boss Hogg1:319 507
Trump Signals Plans To Prosecute Guilty Hillary3:2713 456
Assad: Globalist Staged Chemical Weapons Attack4:3613 416
Law Enforcement Source: Christians Are Too Tolerant5:2428 160
Guilty Hillary Behind Plot To Take Down Trump6:519 699
Human Trafficking: Children Are The Globalists Currency10:804 914
Insider: Nothing Trump Has Done Has Been An Accident. Elites Hostility Shows He Is For Real6:356 653
Are Death Threats On The Trump Family Getting To Him12:3112 143
Did The Swamp Get To President Trump?4:4114 743
Trump's Not Flip-Flopping He Is Negotiating5:5512 415
Alex Jones: Is Trump Selling Us Out? Must See19:5737 605
USA Drops Biggest Bomb In History On ISIS6:5746 336
MIT Pushes Plan To Literally Teach Children Communism6:138 799
Would Assad Blow His Feet Off With A Shotgun?4:407 718
Airline Beating Is Just A Slave Training Video Unless We Stand United11:3718 097
Narrow Victory In Kansas: GOP Losing Its Base?19:309 135
Infowars Nightly News - GOP At War: With Each Other In DC - 04/12/20171:00:3844 932
North Korea Warns Foreign Journalists Of Big Event On Thursday5:5094 649
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Inside The Secret Pedophile Marketplace23:5737 653

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