The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Aetna Pushes Govt HealthCare: Senate Delays Until August6:278 880
Tech-pocalypse: AP Says Get Humans Out of the Way of RoboTaxis11:3111 195
InfoWars Nightly News LIVE: Viral Outbreaks, Real & Virtual, Blamed On Whistleblowers1:01:8045 435
President Trump Causes Democrats To Expose Themselves With One Move18:5344 063
Black Professor Calls For Killing White People, Alex Asks: Does He Eat Them?8:7031 417
Full Show - Alex Jones Declares War On Globalist Communism, Destroys Olbermann - 05/12/20173:03:1028 560
How Winning Fixes Everything3:5012 072
Alex Jones: When Donald Trump Called My Wife9:6065 169
Trump's Crime: Stopping Global Looting And Flooding Money To The People13:5712 216
Breaking: Simultaneous Cyber Attacks Use Leaked NSA Hacking Tools7:3028 304
Democrats Do Perfect Form 180 Degree Flip Flop11:119 968
Steve Pieczenik: Intelligence Community Bloated, Needs A Cleanout9:5022 182
There Is No Entitlement For Journalists In The White House17:5314 155
Keith Olbermann Commits High Treason: Calls For Foreign Gov'ts To Overthrow U.S.31:1956 581
Complete Hypocrites: Democrats Hated Comey4:235 603
Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Replace Sean Spicer?8:1523 959
Video: Trump And Lester Holt Go Toe To Toe Over Comey Firing9:7021 395
Is This The End Of The 2 Party System?5:1019 825
Sexualized, Politicized Scouting Rejected By Churches11:4021 378
MSNBC Calls Out Maxine Waters Double Standard11:3429 409
Virtue Signaling SJW's Are Really Oppressors11:2119 691
Trump Starts Draining The Swamp: Who's Next?19:2014 152
Infowars Nightly News - White House Staff Shakeup Imminent - 05/11/20171:04:2855 291
Full Show - The Purge Begins: Trump Starts Removal of Globalist Pawns - 05/11/20173:02:2045 620
BREAKING: Maxine Waters Has Evidence Of Trump Russia Collusion3:2590 138
Donald Trump Is The Heart Of The Nationalist Movement8:599 427
Deportation Could Have Prevented Double Murder4:547 393
Confederate History Flushed Down The Memory Hole6:3512 191
More Evidence Colleges Are Destroying Free Speech5:336 399
Why ObamaCare Could Never Work6:414 883
Trump Crucified, Clinton Given Free Pass6:602 831
Left's Partisan Insanity Pushing Impeachment Narrative12:302 036
Fannie And Freddie Bail Out All Part Of Agenda 219:171 999
Tim Allen Exposes Leftist Hollywood Cult8:155 608
Brain Washed Lefty Calls For Death Of Alex Jones16:802 760
Why Big Cities Are Becoming The Third World11:314 940
MSM Pushes More Russian Fake News7:311 861
Trump Must Fulfill Campaign Promises5:591 106
Patriots Must Take Back The Government11:453 711
How Obama Ruined Healthcare5:201 479
Insider Reveals Frontrunners For FBI Director And Press Secretary Are Women16:567 713
Russian Collusion Lie Debunked20:194 580
Powerful! Pat Buchanan: MSM Is The Enemy Of Trump And The Enemy Of America4:526 836
Drain The Swamp? We're Going To Have To Drain The Privilege First11:8011 676
Will The Rock Run For President?11:3512 868
Comey's Firing Exposes Massive Hypocrisy19:6013 210
InfoWars Nightly News LIVE! Comey's Firing Exposes Massive Hypocrisy2:57:1867 167
Susan Rice Unmasked, Fearful Lawyers Seek Immunity5:2023 834
How Journalists Keep Their Sources From Ending Up Like Seth Rich5:3010 063
Fake News Media Looks Down On Infowars Heroes13:209 771
MSM Reporters Collude in Real Time At White House Press Briefing5:1115 723
Ultimate Compilation Of Democratic Flip-Floppers Previously Calling For Comey's Resignation3:2021 044
COMMIEFORNIA! Communist Party Ban To Be Lifted On State Jobs5:226 380
Should Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich Attend White House Press Briefing Together?11:3338 844
Full Show - Hypocritical Left Criticizes Trump for Firing Comey - 05/10/20173:01:5913 814
To Seek Political Power: A Fool's Errand4:402 886
Media Matters Spins Alex Jones' Statement On Jimmy Kimmel8:4319 194
Mike Cernovich Releases New White House Leaks19:3459 347
MSM Compares Trump To Nixon After Firing James Comey2:505 638
Trump Opens Closed Doors, Deals Out In The Daylight5:2321 264
Marc Morano: Everything Is Climate Changes Fault18:448 177
Hypocrisy Of The Left Insults Intelligence Of Their Own Base6:108 752
Special Interests Want To Destroy Nationalism11:588 068
Trump Battles Swamp Creatures In Wake Of Firing Comey4:5312 983
Crime Of The Century: Total Digital Enslavement4:465 818
Trump Is Opposing The Global Elite's Crony Capitalist System16:5617 535
Roger Stone Breaks Down Exclusive Details Of Trump's Firing Of Comey22:3243 657
There's A New Sheriff In Town5:1414 589
Is This The Biggest Syrian War Propaganda Yet?6:3522 077
UC Berkeley Engaging In Modern Day Book Burning13:207 818
Al Gore Is Back With His $15 Trillion Tax Scheme3:3310 018
TV Ads Directing Smartphones To Spy On Owners3:3210 958
Gun Manufacturers Shoot 2nd Amendment In The Back11:3024 659
Trump Fires Comey, Leftists Rage19:8029 542
Full Show - Globalist Technocratic Systems Worldwide Attempt To Control The Population - 05/09/20173:01:2026 813
Real Vs. Fake: Can You Tell The Difference?3:1433 293
Immoral Left Sinks Teeth Into Trump's Family5:8015 831
Why Trump Fired Comey8:55425 956
PJW Interviews Dangerous White Supremacist16:4910 665
Being On Time Is Now Racist4:3126 610
BREAKING: Trump Fires James Comey!1:5770 333
BuzzFeed: The Standard For Mental Illness18:1011 422
People Reject Electronic Censorship4:445 619
How AI Will Destroy Freedom3:316 041
MSM Fears Infowars Because They Can't Control Us14:3420 764
Infowars Promotes Freedom, The Left Promotes Violence5:605 503
This Video Was Banned By Youtube, Infowars Fights Back17:4366 816
How Trump Is Saving America6:8010 359
Trans Inanity Destroying America22:1613 776
Gavin McInnes Predicts Trump 2020 Victory4:598 107
How Feminism Destroyed France11:3332 100
Millennials: Built To Fail9:1516 146
Secrets Of The Antichrist/AI Takeover Plan Revealed17:2541 213
Political Hacks, Yates & Clapper, Should Be Investigated10:5813 409
“Kimmel Test”: Late Night Court Jesters Push ObamaCare18:329 359
The Complete And Utter Demise Of The Left11:3437 055
Full Show - Illuminati Mascot Macron Celebrates France’s Enslavement - 05/08/20173:00:1731 345
Tech Insider: What Humans Will Look Like in 1,000 Years39:3623 222

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