The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Trump Poll Roller Coaster: What Would Donald Trump's Approval Rating Be Without MSM Fake News?4:563 544
Elite Use Terror Attacks To Traumatize/Mind Control Public2:339 419
PJW: Political Class Responsible For Manchester Bombing6:7021 118
Lynching Sheriff Clarke: CNN Grammar Nazis Go After His Thesis11:2327 939
Democrat Shill CIA Brennan, Pushes WH Regime Change11:378 797
Bombing Aftermath: Suicidal Political Correctness Unleashed17:3518 194
Politifact Commits Politifraud Against Seth Rich12:9019 786
Full Show - The Left/Islam Is to Blame for the Manchester Terror Massacre - 05/23/20173:05:1424 907
Infowars Nightly News - Brennan And The Deep State Double Down On Trump Attack1:00:5561 495
MANCHESTER: UK Police And Media Collude With Terrorists5:2017 511
Kim Dotcom Destroys Trump Russia Narrative4:4344 240
Italian Mayor Revels In Cultural Destruction18:3511 193
UK Cares More About Muslims' Feelings Than Dead Children18:4026 199
Tommy Robinson: A Man of Courage/ It Begins with One4:5914 837
The Left Aided Islamic Terror Bombing Of Manchester Arena33:3052 829
Dr. Mercola Discovers the Secret! Fat for Fuel29:3714 053
Infowars Receives WH Press Credentials, Left Panics5:1028 694
Trump Unites Religions To Fight ISIS9:3412 307
Islam Is Designed To Subjugate Women6:5917 357
UK Patriots Waking Up To Muslim Takeover5:2024 137
After Manchester Terror, Left Calls to Censor Islam’s Foes10:2010 398
England Runs Up White Flag For ISIS10:5145 254
Tommy Robinson Reports Live From Manchester Islamic Terror Attack24:33302 228
Traitor UK Government Sides With Islamists After Terror Attack, And Cracks Down On Free Speech15:7034 806
Accomplices Of Manchester Suicide Bomber Discovered11:5325 868
Is Trump In Bed With The Globalist Elite?3:4224 482
Trump Supporter In Panic Mode After Saudi Visit6:1217 695
US Removes Al-Qaeda From Terror Watchlist, More Beheadings To Come5:4722 707
Rand Paul Potentially To Block Saudi Arabia Arms Deal3:9019 584
Manchester Terror Attack 22 Dead17:70197 551
Trump Should Unleash American Resources, Let Middle East Fight Amongst Themselves7:1020 163
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Explosion At Ariana Grande Concert!1:02:22110 407
Saudi Arabia: Mecca of Terrorism18:4013 216
Trumps Orb Is Nothing More Than A TV Remote For Giant Threat Fusion Center24:1685 528
Infowars White House Press Credentials LIVE Announcement32:1260 326
Infowars' Jerome Corsi Secures White House Press Briefing Passes10:2240 904
Full Show - Ties Of Terrorism To Saudi Arabia Taint Trump’s Trip - 05/22/20172:55:6012 346
Roger Stone: Trump Receiving Award Used As Propaganda In Arab World5:4419 012
Roger Stone Dissects The Washington Double Standard On Susan Rice and Michael Flynn12:8011 474
Saudi Arabia: Candidate Trump VS President Trump14:3915 451
The Dangerous Game Of Nation Building7:505 548
MSM Wants To Ignore Bilderberg And Pretend It Doesn't Exist10:4611 929
District Of Criminals Terrified Of Facing Their Lawlessness5:208 106
Deep State Is Committing The Real Impeachable Offense5:409 140
Congressman Race Baits America To Push Trump Impeachment5:604 871
EXPOSED: Bilderberg, The Movie by Daniel Estulin7:6025 737
Michael Flynn Pleads The Fifth4:4315 309
NBA Player Calls Turk President Erdogan The Hitler Of Our Century4:597 012
Donald Trump Signs Massive Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia5:5223 070
Saudi Arabia And Israel: The Real Foreign Forces Behind American Elections?4:5910 171
Trump Enters The Belly Of The Beast: 5/21/17 - Full Show1:27:4924 480
Trump Goes To The Heart Of Islam To Free The Slaves20:5229 691
Melania Gets Great Reviews In Saudi Press8:4331 281
Alex Asks Callers: Did Trump Sell Out To Islam Or Saudi Prince?15:5239 487
Breaking: Left Plan To Overthrow Trump In July With Massive Riots And Terror11:2424 667
Daily Beast Caught Violating Public Trust21:5111 790
Globalist Push To Crash Stock Market To Kill Nationalism/Trump10:3727 920
Video: Did Trump Bow To The Saudi King?5:7060 341
Stephen Colbert, Tuck Buckford and Alex Jones Talk Chobani Lawsuit23:54213 888
Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty To Preying On Child, Infowars Confirmed Right48:4084 104
Dennis Kucinich: Deep State Out To Destroy President Trump3:4436 451
Vaccines Exposed: The Hidden Crime Against Children3:3933 385
Sen. Chuck Schumer Is The Wicked Witch Of The East3:1324 470
Democrats Attack Alex Jones For Raising The Stock Market7:2815 535
Chump Change: Saudis Give $40B For US Infrastructure11:3547 731
Andrew Breitbart Embarrasses Chris Hayes From The Grave6:6021 275
Exposed: The White House Leaker Has Been Identified11:31102 071
Hating Hillary: Haitians Protest Hillary In New York17:3327 383
Full Show - Democrats Call for Overturn of 2016 Election - 05/19/20172:58:3329 443
Infowars Nightly News - Breaking: The White House Leaker Has Been Revealed59:47121 560
VIDEO: CIA Analyst Destroys MSM, Democrat & Deep State Attacks On Trump13:1327 812
The City Of Baltimore Is Utterly Collapsing13:5355 452
Roger Stone: Roger Ailes Rest In Peace4:388 162
Gab Founder Andrew Torba Outlines The Censorship Wars17:577 686
When Will Roger Stone And Alex Jones Be Allowed To Testify On Russia Collusion?5:5020 478
Deep State Coup To Take Down Trump Exposed11:4823 192
Report: British Teen Sex Slaves Fed Into Meat Grinders By Muslims12:4072 901
Muslims Attack Journalist In England For Investigating Sex Slavery10:3048 201
CIA Black Ops Speaks Out: Trump Is Under Deep State Attack, He Must Fight Or Die18:3989 846
US Military Told Not To Surf Infowars, Key Bungle4:5116 234
David Horowitz Lays Out Globalist Plan To Overthrow Trump23:3535 254
Democrats Announce Plan For New Presidential Election20:2498 112
Nigel Farage Calls Out EU Tyranny in Powerful Video5:3030 681
Former CIA Analyst Destroys Comey Memo Propaganda7:2219 300
Democrats Rally Back Behind The Voting Booth16:7014 637
Overdosing On Insanity: Mandatory Minimums Incite Soros Race War11:307 451
Wikileaks Reveal Former FBI Director Mueller Gave Russia Uranium In 20098:5620 499
Trump Supporter In Hostile Territory11:2116 395
With The Passing Of Ailes, The Left's Lack Of Class And Respect Is Obvious7:215 992
Soros War On Police To Ramp Up For Summer of Rage23:5013 450
Infowars Nightly News - Roger Ailes Passes, Democrats Dance On His Grave - 05/19/201751:2248 619
Refugees Gang Rape 15-Year-Old In Austria6:1320 162
The Crazy World Of Maxine Waters8:3020 789
Top German Newspaper Smears PJW10:2638 615
Full Show - Comeygate: FBI Director Caught Lying To Congress - 05/18/20173:02:2739 014
Deep State Says, "Screw You America"8:6021 897
American MSM Worse Than Old Soviet Media17:4017 056
US Airstrike In Syria, Religious Or Politically Motivated?3:2217 907
FBI Has Forensic Evidence That Ties Wikileaks To Seth Rich4:4553 968
Federal Prosecutor: Comey Obstructed Justice Not Bringing Memo To Congress22:3958 922

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