The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Child Molester Dennis Hastert Comes Out Against Trump4:4013 670
Seth Rogan Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 17 Year Old Girl15:1086 344
Video: Trump Commits Massive Thought Crimes! Do Not Watch10:4540 239
Former Pussycat Doll Tells Infowars: "I Was Prostituted Out In The Music Industry"23:30214 733
Give Your Children To Hollywood's Vampires Or You're A Racist10:209 134
NFL Collapse Heralds End Of Democratic Party21:5817 505
LVPD Sheriff Visibly Shaking And Choking Up As Vegas Massacre Coverup Continues1:10:45165 796
Eminem Is A Complete Idiot6:1036 665
The Secret Fear Of Corrupt Elites Revealed10:3013 429
VIDEO: Establishment Churches Ban God9:3917 267
The Life And Death Of Hollywood2:1712 282
VIDEO: Donald Trump Takes Iran To The Woodshed22:5122 934
Another Eyewitness Says Multiple Shooters In Vegas5:3655 358
Democratic Party Panics As US Economy Comes Back To Life7:9018 069
The World Rejoices As Hollywood Collapses10:2420 532
Alex Jones Talks About Hollywood Sexual Assaults On Men8:4426 739
Americans Want Dignity And Freedom, Not Globalist Slavery10:8017 054
Trump Performs Exorcism On America5:2318 950
Full Show - Undercover Video: NYT / Youtube Admit Alex Jones Is Number #1 Enemy Of NWO2:52:3530 467
North Korea Has Reached The Edge Of The Cliff4:5854 059
Was Harvey Weinstein Exposed To Distract From Las Vegas Shooting?10:4127 197
A Year Later, Liberals Are Still Crying About Trump10:1015 186
Hollywood Has Always Known About Harvey Weinstein18:1622 175
Hollywood’s Self Destruction Enters Final Phase15:2031 374
Antifa Plans Mass Violence On November 4th13:4129 894
Awan Brothers Caught Accessing Government Servers From Pakistan8:289 832
Trump EPA Shuts Down Climate False Flag17:3411 592
Watch The Craziest Flu Shot Ad You Will Ever See7:6022 038
GUN CONTROL: James Wesley Rawles On New Threats18:3110 975
The Truth About President Donald Trump And Puerto Rico23:2014 443
Jimmy Kimmel Publicly Humiliates And Harasses Young Women5:3732 795
Alex Jones Reveals His Personal Hollywood Experiences11:0036 554
Pedophiles Rule The World! Infowars On Target AGAIN10:1927 271
Hidden Camera: NYT And YouTube Admit Infowars Is #1 Threat To Globalists22:4329 630
This Video Crosses Eminem's Line In The Sand And He Hopes You Don't See It19:41126 497
CNN Caught In Major Scandal! Fake News Organization Caught Defending Top Nazi10:4414 743
NYT Apologizes For Censoring Conservative News With YouTube8:2211 004
Vegas Cover-Up Collapses! Hotel Warned Police Before Shooting10:1196 877
California: A Cesspool Of Diseased Corruption5:3420 338
Full Show - Global Sex Crime Networks Shaken By Weinstein Crisis! - 10/11/20172:51:5242 002
Bannon Effort To Beat RINOs Picks Up Speed10:2119 758
Why Is Jeff Sessions Ignoring Clinton Corruption?9:4635 192
Will General Kelly Be Able To Control Trump Once He Moves To Mar-A-Lago?5:4617 460
Former ATF Arms Dealer: Vegas Shooter Acted Like A Gunrunner15:3047 637
Tech Left: The Modern Day Jim Crow14:337 809
Facebook Helping To Censor Reports Of Hollywood / Weinstein Sex Crimes11:4615 229
Alex Jones: Ancient Israelites Were Amongst The First Peoples To Ban Human Sacrifice15:2027 337
Must See! Vegas Casino / Witnesses Admit Official Story Not True ISIS Involved12:22190 352
Disney Hired A Convicted Rapist Of 12-Year-old Boy To Direct Its Films10:7012 485
VIDEO: Hollywood Lunatic, Perverts Send A Murderous Message To Donald Trump9:2221 847
CNN Achieves Ultimate Fake News Status, Claims George Soros Was Not A Nazi Collaborator12:8077 736
Countries Are Defeating Globalism By Turning Back To Christ10:2319 775
Reporter Out Raps Eminem5:51279 114
Breaking: Democrat FBI Leadership Fails To Cover-Up ISIS Terror Attack In Vegas5:3839 717
Hollywood Has Been Dead For A Long Time And They Tried To Take America With Them11:189 555
SHOCK VIDEO: Hollywood Stars Laugh At Weinstein’s Sex Abuse10:2084 488
Breaking: MSM Admits Official Vegas Story Not True, Cover-Up In Progress9:1133 445
#HollywoodIsDead, Freedom Is Sexy10:5019 918
It’s Official: Vegas Casino Owner Says Official Massacre Story Not True5:2168 663
The Creepiest Audio You Will Ever Hear: Harvey Weinstein Fed Off Of The Fear Of Women He Abused!20:1848 888
Hungary Declares George Soros An Agent Of Satan9:1952 685
Who Were Weinstein’s Powerful Protectors?11:5936 479
Exclusive: US Ambassador Exposes The Truth About Puerto Rico11:5034 697
Full Show - Breaking: Vegas Police Admit Official Story Not True! Weinstein Rape Scandal Explodes2:54:3051 441
Trump Proven Right On Puerto Rico4:4524 071
Weinstein Got Off On Women Fearing Him5:329 882
Hillary’s Pathetic Condemnation Of Pervert Weinstein2:7013 146
Caller from Tokyo Talks North Korea & World War III5:9027 588
Video: Steve Bannon Senator Corker Is A Cowardly Swamp Monster10:4115 628
Did Las Vegas Shooter’s Accomplices Chicken Out?9:5224 692
Mark Zuckerberg Pretends To Help Puerto Rico9:3310 767
Leaked Audio: Harvey Weinstein Harasses Woman9:2825 997
Govt SUES Local Activist For Requesting Info On Surveillance20:446 245
How SICK Is Hollywood?6:1736 889
VIDEO: FBI Caught Lying To The American People About Vegas Massacre14:32113 772
Witness To Bellagio Hotel Shooting 45 Min After Mandalay Bay Massacre Speaks Out9:19101 220
Judge Gives Child Rapist Joint Custody Of Resulting Child4:475 066
Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Be The Psychopath God Of The Matrix9:3111 297
FBI Releases Shocking 2016 Crime Statistics That Destroy The Lies Of BLM10:4018 141
Puerto Rican Infowarrior Destroys MSM Narrative9:1919 812
Newsweek Has To Admit That ISIS May Be Behind Vegas Attack As Police Change Official Timeline33:2725 680
Who Is Saber Rattling, Trump Or North Korea?5:5212 112
VIDEO: General Mattis Tells Army They Must Be Ready To Strike North Korea10:2527 055
See The Marsha Blackburn Video Banned By Twitter Causing The Streisand Effect11:1429 922
Glitterbug Megachurches Are Satanic Command Bases10:2139 701
Secrets Of The Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal They Don’t Want You To Know9:5030 975
BREAKING: Cover Up Collapses, Police Admit Official Vegas Story Not True18:50437 138
California Reduces Murder By HIV To A Misdemeanor5:1012 909
Full Show - Hollywood Elite Exposed As Pedophile Protectors - 10/09/20172:56:1034 393
ANTIFA's Playbook Revealed5:4454 367
Another Democratic Sexual Predator Exposed9:1124 239
BREAKING! Vegas Sheriff Forced To Alter Shooters Timeline After Questions From Citizen Journalists10:3385 889
Establishment Can't Cover Up Details Of Las Vegas Shooter4:4334 069
Crony Capitalists Sold You Out!5:509 664
Hollywood Cover Up Of Pedophilia Collapses Under Weinstein Scandal24:5650 662
Urgent Warning For Parents10:4836 066
The Real Reason They Ousted Weinstein From Miramax9:4326 022
Warning To Cernovich, Ben Shapiro, And Phil DeFranco18:2946 052
Confused Liberals Believe That Trump Is Hitler Yet We Should Give Him Our Guns14:4015 991
Hollywood Is Run By Sexual Deviants14:1310 523

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