REPORT: Vegas Shooter's Girlfriend Traveled To Middle East11:5082,812
Las Vegas Massacre Press Conference: Law Enforcement Believes Only One Shooter52:3221,512
BREAKING: ANTIFA Receiving Military Training From ISIS9:5861,314
Deep State Officials Controlling And Manipulating Las Vegas Narrative9:3541,534
Leftist MSM Blames Conservatives For Puerto Rico & Las Vegas Shooting10:2225,142
Motive Of Las Vegas Shooter Discovered! Leftist / Islamic Leanings4:5355,419
Major Supreme Court Cases Coming Up4:5324,927
Terror Attack Carnage In Canada5:5563,708
Earth Enters Global Season Preceding World War4:5130,751
Full Show - Must Watch! Democrats Celebrate Attack On Vegas Concert, ISIS Claims Responsibility2:50:3340,487
Similar Patterns Arise Between Vegas And Other Mass Shootings1:3749,881
Was Las Vegas Shooter Radicalized By Antifa?10:4955,630
Mainstream Media Tries To Silence Conservative News In Wake Of Las Vegas Attack9:5014,843
Watch As CBS VP Celebrates Shooting Of Vegas Victims18:5335,769
Leftists Already Using Las Vegas Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda20:5429,143
Is Vegas Shooting Latest Deep State False Flag To Destroy The Second Amendment?10:1495,373
Former Navy SEAL: America Is One Step Away From All-Out Race War9:2644,147
Terrorism Expert: Vegas Attack Could Trigger Second American Civil War10:3461,797
We Are Facing Evil Spiritual Forces, Says CIA Whistleblower15:4225,129
CIA Whistleblower: Deep State Planning To Kill Trump, May Have Targeted Christians In Vegas28:2365,653
Is Las Vegas Shooter Lone Wolf Or Part Of Larger Plot?5:22150,424
Monstrous Hillary Clinton Uses Las Vegas Tragedy To Push Gun Ban5:3527,100
BREAKING: ANTIFA Literature Found In Shooter's Vegas Hotel Room Says Hostage Rescue Team11:241,303,302
ISIS Claims Responsibility For Devastating Vegas Attack / Left Celebrates5:4439,099
Democrats Promise To Launch More Attacks After Scalise / Vegas3:4992,241
Democrats Deliver On Threat To Launch October Revolution15:3181,018
Alex Jones Predicted Las Vegas Massacre To Kick Off 100 Yr. Anniversary Of Bolshevik Revolution41:1753,508
VIDEO: Concert-goers Were Warned Of Danger 45 Minutes Before Shooting1:1835,742
Alex Jones Predicted Vegas Attack On Friday7:20185,196
Antifa VS The United States November Fourth5:5838,328
Catalonian Secessionists Beaten Down By Globalists4:316,007
Infowars Predicted Machine Gun Attacks Into Crowds: Witnesses Say Multiple Shooters and Warning14:43208,879
BREAKING VIDEO: Terrorist Gunman Sprays Bullets Into Crowd At Country Music Festival Over 20 Killed8:10161,719
VIDEO: Automatic Gun Fire Erupts As Terrorists Attack Country Music Festival In Las Vegas2:21:2827,498
Spain Declares Martial Law, Dems Sabotage Puerto Rican Relief And ISIS Attacks France/Canada1:17:2616,406
Insider: Imminent Civil War To Neutralize Not Conquer America18:3826,707
Democratic Plan To Launch Civil War Using False Flag Discovered18:0050,216
Democrat Union Head Brags About Ordering Blockage Of US Aid To Puerto Rico14:4745,985
VIDEO: The Truth About The Puerto Rico Disaster And SNL Calls Trump The N-Word18:4336,975
Unbelievable Video: Spanish Police Viciously Beat Men And Women To Stop Them From Voting9:3538,374
Martial Law In Catalonia5:4842,253
Full Show - Anti-NFL Viral Video Creator Speaks Out On ANTIFA, Racism, And NFL #TakeaKnee2:58:1336,980
North Korean Blames Trump For Its Psychosis4:3130,215
US Naval Intelligence Officer Amazed At The Infowars Operation4:5744,120
Wikileaks Exposes Collusion Among Facebook, Clinton, & Zuckerberg18:1940,676
Women Football Players Will Not Kneel5:4850,051
NBC: Rights ARE NOT From God17:3513,050
MSM Now Blaming Russian Agents For Creating Facebook Blacktivist Pages To Incite Race War8:388,900
Fmr. Army Ranger Savages NFL Whiners5:1013,127
TAX REFORM: Tax Code Is Written By The IRS10:376,371
Investigator Who Predicted Weaponization Of Antifa Warns Of Impending Violent Civil War22:5427,302
How One Man with a Camera Became More Popular Than the Dying NFL5:4311,575
Miley Cyrus is a Complete Idiot5:1426,339
Did NFL’s Oakland Raiders Throw Game After White QB Refused To Kneel For National Anthem?8:4535,348
DISASTER: Gary Heavin On Puerto Rican Relief20:1710,657
Man More Popular Than The NFL Speaks Out On #TakeaKnee36:1028,715
NFL Boycott: A Blessing For Families & Fathers31:4213,203
Can The US Avert War With North Korea?5:1015,731
Donald Trump Has Reignited The American People's Spirit26:1014,295
Fmr. Head Of Davos Group: Globalism Is Collapsing17:4715,601
Political Patriot Cartoonist Ben Garrison Destroys The NFL5:9019,557
BREAKING: Left Openly Planning Civil War18:1265,352
Is Google Protecting ANTIFA?5:5212,732
ANTIFA Is Part Of Globalist Plot To Overthrow Trump And Establish Communism #UndercoverAntifa16:3619,410
Full Show - Donald Trump Announces Tax Plan To Save Americans And Stop Globalism - 09/28/20173:04:3320,907
Liberals Seek To Undo Pardon Of Sheriff Arpaio4:4811,488
Infowars Report Moves Clinton Money Man To Extradition4:9016,504
Breaking: General Kelly Is Wiretapping President Trump, Giving Info To Deep State4:9027,385
Is Alex Jones Bad For Hating Evil North Korea?26:3815,834
Is Alex Jones A Neocon? Did He Stage Bohemian Grove?15:2911,719
"Climate Change" Is Putting Fear In The Department Of Defense20:3711,117
The Deep State's New Way Of Watching You7:1843,062
Mental Nationalism The New Thought Crime According To Comedy Central5:538,967
Politically The NFL & Comedy Central Are Rotting Road Kill12:4020,440
This Video Has 50+ Million Views: Brandon Tatum Completely Destroys NFL Crybabies28:9058,397
Navy Vet That Trump Said Was Wronged Speaks Out For The First Time12:3020,880
Inheritance Tax Is Nothing But Communist Envy5:708,994
Rand Paul: Trump Will Kill Obamacare With Executive Actions18:7032,556
Standing Ovation For Scalise After Surviving Leftist Assassination Plot6:3910,119
Video: Trump Announces Historic Tax Plan12:2218,912
Otto Warmbier's Family Details His Torture At Hands Of North Korea6:5018,971
Kurdistan Sovereignty Could End In Genocide4:4314,685
Full Show - President Trump Defeats The NFL - 09/27/20173:01:5823,887
Comedy (Commie) Central's Latest Attack On Alex Jones Fails Miserably8:4533,415
Roy Moore’s Victory Is Defeat For The Globalists10:4318,570
Are These The Signs Of The End Times?31:3832,075
Will Catalonia Secede From Authoritarian Spain?7:5414,115
Mueller Plans To Use IRS To Stop Trump21:2015,120
Crazy Hillary Clinton Implies That Trump Has Had People Killed9:5733,546
Leftists Pushing Violent Censorship10:809,944
SJWs Are Cancer, They Destroy Everything They Touch12:2214,577
Stefan Molyneux: Leftists Are Joyless Zombies10:2211,690
Americans Sick Of MSM Propaganda8:2811,501
Steven Seagal Exposes Deep State Coup9:57299,305
Roy Moore Victory In Alabama Signals Trump Win Over Establishment4:259,154
Experts Agree NFL Has Committed Suicide6:2041,152
Globalist Technocrats Have Conquered The NFL12:2613,984
'Take A Knee' Is Total Bullsht!7:1920,416
National Fearmongering Libtards Destroying Their American Dream5:3016,287
Take A Knee Before Your New Leader4:4440,953

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