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Look for the helpers (Youtube)
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In the days since the Boston Marathon was interrupted by two bomb blasts -- which killed three and injured 100 -- a meme has emerged online: "Look for the helpers." The quote comes from Fred Rogers, who shared in his tome The Mister Rogers Parenting Book, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers.' You will always find people who are helping."

In the images of the terrible scene in Boston yesterday, the helpers are obvious -- bystanders attending to the injured, paramedics rushing to the scene, police and marathon volunteers helping the crowd. Even Google swung into action, creating a person finder app for those with loved ones at the marathon finish line.

We love the idea of looking for the helpers. To keep you inspired on a hard day, here are some talks from brave helpers. less

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