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Red Bull Drift Shifters - Auckland, New Zealand 2012 (Youtube)
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Highlights of the first ever Red Bull Drift Shifters event, brainchild of Mad Mike Whiddett to bring drifting to the people, into the CBD of Auckland City, New Zealand!

Featuring top internationals Daigo Saito (Japan), Samuel Hubinette (Sweden) and Matt Powers (USA) mixing it up with some of New Zealand's best including current D1NZ Champion Curt Whittaker, former champions Gaz Whiter & Fanga Dan, as well as Cole Armstrong, Jason Sellers, Hugo Maclean, Sky Zhao, Daynom Templeman and Andrew Redward.

Drivers tackled a tight and technical course that put driver skill on the line as they gained points electronically via proximity and angle sensors, essentially a giant game of pinball just for drift cars.

The event was eventually won by Matt Powers, second place Samuel Hubinette and placing third and best of the kiwis was Oversteer TV's Fanga Dan Woolhouse!

For more on Drift Shifters

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