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Rock Star Woman (Youtube)
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Rock Star Woman!
Rock Records Official YouTube Channel
23 vidéos trouvées.

黃韻玲 Kay Huang【你就是你】Official Music Video3:600
蘇婭 Su-Yang【美好的豐年祭】Official Music Video3:430
謝麗金 Hsieh Li-Jin【我想我不瞭解自己 I Just Don't Understand Myself】Official Music Video4:100
蕭淑慎 Suzanne Hsiao&吳辰君 Annie Wu&楊謹華 Cheryl Yang【終極西門】Official Music Video4:340
黎明柔 Zoe Ni【你的自大讓我快樂 Ego Mania】Official Music Video3:490 1 liste de plus
劉美君 Prudence Liew【因為我沒有】Official Music Video4:390
劉沁 Liu Ching【沼澤 Swamp】Official Music Video4:300
曾慶瑜 Regina Tsang【Don’t let the moment pass】Official Music Video3:450
彭靖惠 Jyotsna Pang【垃圾桶 Garbage can】Official Music Video3:480
彭靖惠 Jyotsna Pang【Dear John】Official Music Video5:280
陳松伶 Adia Chan【會飛的溫柔】Official Music Video4:170 1 liste de plus
林葉亭 Judy Lin【和照片談戀愛 Fall love with a photograph】Official Music Video4:390
林葉亭 Judy Lin【吹泡泡等你 Blow bubbles while waiting for you】Official Music Video3:240
林玉婷 Elsa Lin【擺脫 Shaking off】Official Music Video3:250
林玉婷 Elsa Lin【墮落的承諾 A wicked promise】Official Music Video3:500
沈鳳儀 Annie Syen【苦苦相逼 Desperate urge】Official Music Video3:520
李欣芸 Cincin Lee【So Cold】Official Music Video5:210
李明依 Emi Lee【我沒有了感覺】Official Music Video4:140
李之勤 Lee Chih-Ching【親愛的好久不見 It’s been a while】Official Music Video4:230
何超儀 Josie Ho【春天我不回家 Ain't going home】Official Music Video4:120
小林優美 Abyss【WHY】Official Music Video3:190
小林優美 Abyss【B O RIGHT】Official Music Video4:700
EDITEC【逃離寂寞】Official Music Video4:450

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