1 704 vidéos, +12 500 abonnés

M2M Technology Development31:358
Phaser and StampedLock Concurrency Synchronizers50:59318
Java Mission Control - Coming soon to a JDK near you13:1695
WebSocket and Java EE: A State of the Union43:1023
Large-Scale Automation with Jenkins46:5090
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse of Connected Devices47:437
Scala in Numbers - The Ecosystem Census42:70201 liste
Simplifying Scala — The Past, Present and Future46:431921 liste
One API to rule them all40:26551 liste
Laugh, Then Learn: Scala Puzzlers Returns!45:47241 liste
Taking Development to the Edge1:00:4815
All Work and No Play Doesn't Scale43:131101 liste
Design Patterns in modern JVM Languages50:364 689
Why you should use a Java Cloud platform? Because it's Easy!17:2411
Concurrency – The good, the bad, the ugly45:241281 liste
Taming the Cake Pattern with Type Macros47:21571 liste
Actor Based Asynchronous IO in Akka45:335331 liste
Rocking the Gradle16:443
Interview sur les lambdas10:371431 liste
Resilient Applications with Akka Persistence45:461 7151 liste
Javascript beyond jQuery49:5729
Patterns for key-value stores44:2042
Invokedynamic in 45 Minutes49:49145
Reactive Streams: And why you should care.1:07:243331 liste
How to fail a software project fast and efficiently?36:5524
Catalyst: A Functional Query Optimizer for Spark and Shark43:468301 liste
Half a Year in Macro Paradise46:33181 liste
The Java EE 7 Platform: Productivity & HTML550:4320
Quote or be quoted29:27831 liste
The Trouble with Tests52:46681 liste
Simple API Design, Lessons Learned47:27401 liste
Building a Reactive Application52:32701 liste
Macros for the Rest of Us52:223741 liste
Scala in Action42:90881 liste
Interview sur le calcul hautes performances6:2831 liste
Without Past and Present46:33231 liste
Good to Great: IntelliJ IDEA and Scala50:441491 liste
Stop doing Retrospective and start your Toyota Kata51:53296
Confessions of a Ruby Developer Whose Heart Was Stolen by Scala42:173141 liste
Interview Stephan Janssen - Devoxx5:15201 liste
Going Reactive: Scalable, Highly Concurrent & Fault-Tolerant Systems39:27251 liste
Live Coding: Realtime Web, The Urge for a Programming Model49:251751 liste
Why Scala is Taking Over the Big Data World43:541 0691 liste
Keynote "Le passé"5:1091 liste
Space Chatons : Bleeding Edge HTML526:41201 liste
Interview about devops and Cloudbees4:5561 liste
Interview sur JRockit6:1941 liste
Keynote - Scala in 201857:30511 liste
Solving Data Analytics Problems with Delite44:16601 liste
Learn you an sbt for fun and profit!50:491 6201 liste
Are Your GC Logs Speaking to You50:3011
Good Bad and Ugly Maven - a puzzler session31:31231 liste
Scala: The Simple Parts (Keynote)1:37:801231 liste
Scala.js: write in Scala for the browser47:144251 liste
Easy Metaprogramming For Everyone!54:281341 liste
Lightning-Fast Standard Collections With ScalaBlitz42:42701 liste
Cloud Best Practices51:14191 liste
Scala: The First Ten Years53:261021 liste
Customizable code generation and other Slick 2 features44:17851 liste
Fun Functional-Reactive Programming with Scala.Rx57:205931 liste
Keynote - Scala with Style1:25:25811 liste
Pitching Scala: An Interactive Session on Creating Change in your Organization45:33141 liste
Keynote: Making The Future Java...Together55:3912
Legacy52:30671 liste
The Lost Art of Denotational Semantics57:301 4491 liste
Du Javascript propre ? Challenge Accepted49:55771 liste
Serious Fun With Scala46:393281 liste
What is expected of a PaaS in 2013?31:000
Scala code quality assurance - SCCT32:102691 liste
Internet of Sports (or How to win GOLD medals in the next Olympics)44:288
What's new in Android Jelly Bean16:146
Le Cloud et l’accélération de la mise en œuvre de projets32:70181 liste
Spores: Towards Function-Passing Style in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution47:00661 liste
Interview organisation de Devoxx France 20139:40301 liste
Miniboxing: Specialization on a Diet43:12341 liste
How to manage large amounts of data with Iteratee45:30921 liste
Scaling Agile with Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds47:383 039
RESTTest: exploring DSL design in Scala55:303071 liste
What Every Hipster Should Know About Functional Programming50:4880
Le brevet logiciel en Europe? Kit de survie.51:002981 liste
Testing Stateful Systems with ScalaCheck48:325951 liste
Delicious Play recipes for real world (with Akka and Slick ingredients)1:02:405411 liste
Monitoring Open Source pour Java avec JmxTrans, Graphite et Nagios 1/22:07:524861 liste
Play Framework - from 2.2 to 2.3 and Beyond57:261391 liste
Scalding - the not-so basics51:29571 liste
Unsung Heroes: Less Fashionable Patterns in Scala50:15681 liste
Les Cast Codeurs Podcast... putain 4 ans déjà!51:70521 liste
Building a DBMS in Scala or how types can turn a SQL interpreter into a SQL compiler49:701371 liste
Interview sur l'organisation de Devoxx France 20139:70111 liste
Interview de Francesc Campoy Flores8:70151 liste
Interview about the future of Parleys6:2751 liste
Writing Reactive Applications for Fun34:31401 liste
A whirlwind tour of specs2 2.x51:17961 liste
Rethinking the debugger34:14741 liste
Using the Scalatest Selenium DSL - an introduction and return on experience45:335091 liste
Composable application architecture with reasonably priced monads45:315 0381 liste
Introduction to Reactive: A Hands-on Workshop with Play and Akka44:461 1431 liste
Interview about social media at Google7:5531 liste
Slick in the field, learning to forget ORM53:527291 liste

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