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Scala Days Berlin 2014 (Youtube)
59 videos is founds.

Scala in Numbers - The Ecosystem Census42:7020
Simplifying Scala — The Past, Present and Future46:43192
Laugh, Then Learn: Scala Puzzlers Returns!45:4724
Resilient Applications with Akka Persistence45:461,715
Reactive Streams: And why you should care.1:07:24333
Catalyst: A Functional Query Optimizer for Spark and Shark43:46830
Quote or be quoted29:2783
The Trouble with Tests52:4668
Building a Reactive Application52:3270
Macros for the Rest of Us52:22374
Without Past and Present46:3323
Good to Great: IntelliJ IDEA and Scala50:44149
Why Scala is Taking Over the Big Data World43:541,069
Solving Data Analytics Problems with Delite44:1660
Learn you an sbt for fun and profit!50:491,620
Scala: The Simple Parts (Keynote)1:37:80123
Easy Metaprogramming For Everyone!54:28134
Lightning-Fast Standard Collections With ScalaBlitz42:4270
Scala: The First Ten Years53:26102
Customizable code generation and other Slick 2 features44:1785
Fun Functional-Reactive Programming with Scala.Rx57:20593
Pitching Scala: An Interactive Session on Creating Change in your Organization45:3314
The Lost Art of Denotational Semantics57:301,449
Serious Fun With Scala46:39328
Scala code quality assurance - SCCT32:10269
Spores: Towards Function-Passing Style in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution47:0066
Miniboxing: Specialization on a Diet43:1234
How to manage large amounts of data with Iteratee45:3092
RESTTest: exploring DSL design in Scala55:30307
Testing Stateful Systems with ScalaCheck48:32595
Delicious Play recipes for real world (with Akka and Slick ingredients)1:02:40541
Play Framework - from 2.2 to 2.3 and Beyond57:26139
Scalding - the not-so basics51:2957
Unsung Heroes: Less Fashionable Patterns in Scala50:1568
Building a DBMS in Scala or how types can turn a SQL interpreter into a SQL compiler49:70137
Writing Reactive Applications for Fun34:3140
A whirlwind tour of specs2 2.x51:1796
Rethinking the debugger34:1474
Using the Scalatest Selenium DSL - an introduction and return on experience45:33509
Composable application architecture with reasonably priced monads45:315,038
Introduction to Reactive: A Hands-on Workshop with Play and Akka44:461,143
Slick in the field, learning to forget ORM53:52729
DOT calculus50:54430
Scala.js: what has it become and how is it used in the wild?49:56293
JScala - write your JavaScript in Scala37:5734
Futures and Async: When to Use Which?53:131,844
Monitoring Akka54:36466
Effective APIs45:5524
Enterprise brownfield: Scala to the rescue36:2014
Git Going Faster... with Scala34:55184
akka-http: (un)REST for your Actors48:151,320
Meet parboiled2 – A Macro-Based PEG Parser Generator for Scala 2.10.3+42:10206
The Reader Monad for Dependency Injection32:271,987
Sparkle: Reactive streams to the browser with scala and d341:30109
The no-framework Scala Dependency Injection Framework47:43906
Yin-Yang: Programming DSLs Made Simple39:3066
Scala + Android45:351,143
Experiment: A Reactive 3D Game Engine in Scala47:381,739

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