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Scala Days Amsterdam 2015 (Youtube)
56 videos is founds.

Building your first REST API in less than 30 minutes39:323,058
State of the Meta, Summer 201546:2156
The Twelve Factor App: Best Practices for Scala Deployment43:42185
Keynote: Scala - where it came from, where it's going1:10:001,125
GraphX: Graph analytics for insights about developer communities39:131,022
Almost Zen: Reflections on Four Years of Scala in Practice45:3182
Function-Passing Style, A New Model for Asynchronous and Distributed Programming48:1396
Delimited dependently-typed monadic checked exceptions in Scala1:01:1217
Reactive Slick for Database Programming50:333,371
Essential Scala: Six Core Principles for Learning Scala36:385,272
Keynote: Life Beyond the Illusion of Present1:06:28158
Scala Puzzlers: "In the Matrix, anything is possible!"55:1846
From Source: Scala at Twitter53:28204
Scala.js Semantics - and how they support performance and JavaScript interop46:3793
Lambda Architecture with Spark Streaming, Kafka, Cassandra, Akka and Scala53:296,837
Scala needs YOU!47:4114
5 minute Microservices46:14266
Exercise in machine learning49:3244
Large volume data analysis on the Typesafe Reactive Platform41:1383
What's new since "Programming in Scala"45:22736
Hiring & Onboarding for your Scala Team49:5941
Meerkat parsers: a general parser combinator library for real programming languages52:46440
A purely functional approach to building large applications51:41324
Write once, deploy everywhere48:54187
Welcome Ceremony & Phil Bagwell Award15:7012
Program Functionally, Execute Imperatively: Peeling abstraction overhead from functional programs46:0074
YAB: Yet Another Build tool47:5057
Options in Futures, how to unsuck them44:251,536
So how do I do a 2-phase-commit with Akka then?51:501,219
Type-safe off-heap memory for Scala40:55142
Understanding the Back-End of Big Data48:36116
Functional Data Validation (or How to Think Functionally)38:70358
Project Gålbma: Actors vs. Types53:3598
Keynote: The Future of AI in Scala, and on the JVM39:00566
SimpleFX a new Scala DSL for W.O.R.A.44:59108
Kamon: Metrics and traces for your reactive application45:53880
From Java to Scala in Less Than Three Months49:44346
Easy Scalability with Akka44:43226
Distributed Machine Learning 101 using Apache Spark from the Browser46:13176
The Reactive Streams Implementation Landscape45:23104
Fixing Reactive Code at 100 Miles per Hour: Five Techniques to Improve How You Debug Scala and Akka47:4491
WatchDog: How PagerDuty uses Scala for end-to-end functional testing50:30138
Yoyak : Static analysis framework for Scala54:38466
Why Spark Is the Next Top (Compute) Model44:27163
The road to sbt 1.0 is paved with server50:46166
Closing Panel and Thank You47:4550
Types vs Tests : An Epic Battle?54:201,242
Making your Scala applications smaller and faster with the Dotty linker54:501,135
Project Valhalla: Part 2 – Value Types in the JVM48:20564
Low-Friction Microservices with Scala and Play44:50194
A next generation tool for Scala code review38:58138
Don't Block Yourself36:2678
Towards Browser and Server Utopia with Scala.JS: an example using CRDTs48:43570
Ensime - why would anybody build another Scala IDE?39:302,373
Embedding a language into a string interpolator33:4751
Functional programming with arrows41:29934

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