PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
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PETA Loves Dogs! (Youtube)
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We love dogs, so take care of them!

The single most important thing that we can do to save cats and dogs from all the suffering and death that their overpopulation causes is to spay and neuter them. Spaying and neutering are routine, affordable surgeries that can prevent thousands of animals from being born, only to suffer and struggle to survive on the streets, be abused by cruel or neglectful people, or be euthanized in animal shelters for lack of a loving home.

Spaying and neutering makes a big difference: Just one unaltered female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years. In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can produce an incredible 370,000 kittens!

Sterilized animals live longer, happier lives. Spaying eliminates the stress and discomfort that females endure during heat periods, eliminates the risk of uterine cancer, and greatly reduces the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering makes males far less likely to roam or fight, prevents testicular cancer, and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Altered animals are less likely to contract deadly, contagious diseases, such as feline AIDS and feline leukemia, that are spread through bodily fluids.

Communities spend millions of taxpayer dollars each year coping with problems that a failure to spay and neuter causes. The one-time cost of spaying or neutering is far lower than the expense involved in rounding up strays, feeding and housing abandoned animals, and euthanizing those for whom homes can't be found.

Cities and counties all over the country are aggressively addressing the animal overpopulation crisis, requiring everyone who chooses not to spay or neuter to pay a hefty breeder's fee. Areas with mandatory spay-and-neuter laws have reported a significant reduction in the number of animals who are taken to their facilities and subsequently euthanized.

Many communities have low-cost or free spay-and-neuter clinics that make it easy for everyone to do the right thing and have their animals sterilized. Call 1-800-248-SPAY to find your nearest low-cost spay-and-neuter clinic.

Chaining Dogs:

Many people who acquire dogs quickly tire of them and banish them to the back yard, where they are "out of sight, out of mind." Others want "guard" dogs who will bark at intruders. Many of these dogs spend their entire lives in solitary confinement—trapped at the end of a chain or confined to a pen or kennel. They suffer through frightening thunderstorms and all weather extremes and are typically denied vital medical attention and any form of friendship.

Every summer, chained dogs die preventable deaths because of a lack of protection from the heat. Doghouses—although essential for keeping dogs dry during summer thunderstorms (and winter snowstorms)—don't provide much relief from the heat. In fact, a doghouse can act like an oven, trapping hot air inside. Cold weather also spells extra hardship for outdoor dogs, who can suffer from frostbite, exposure, and even dehydration when water sources freeze.

Chained dogs bark out of frustration and loneliness, which can turn into a public "nuisance" and trigger threats from annoyed neighbors. Chained dogs have been shot, poisoned, stoned, set on fire, and tortured in countless other ways.

Chained dogs can injure children or anyone else who might wander into their yards. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chained dogs kill more children than do falls from trees and playground equipment and accidents involving fireworks combined. Dogs who spend a lot of time alone in back yards or tied out on chains are more prone to aggression and biting, while dogs who are socialized and enjoy life with their human "packs" are protective without being neurotic.

Dozens of communities have either banned tethering and chaining or have included tethering provisions in their animal protection ordinances. Please make a promise to all dogs who are trapped at the end of a chain in your neighborhood that you will work to add your community to that list.

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