3,857 videos, +501,000 subscribers

Dexter the cupboard-surfing rottie0:47126
World Naked Bike Ride Melbourne 20150:4111,304
Near-miss with cat0:2556
Salute To Selma Greenville SC March on Main. March 7th1:4535
Goat in the snow0:33268
Which dog gets to its owner first?0:2165
Giant Octopus. The Dance of the Giants.3:13381
Extreme Hurricane Force Bora (Bura) - Croatia - March 05, 20154:203,235
Open ocean shark diving4:90140
Sneezing Kangaroo0:27373
Buffalo kisses0:314,399
Dangerously overloaded delivery bikes in Shanghai1:38439
Man works out while playing the trumpet0:58196
Burst pipe erupts on Montreal street0:2781
Motorcycle Crash Extremely Near Miss2:24522
Dog retrieves newspaper in snow0:1981
The raccoon 'Heimlich Manoeuvre'1:701,808
A huge hole in the ground on a flooded mine in Russia in the Urals city of Solikamsk - Part 22:30272
A huge hole in the ground on a flooded mine in Russia in the Urals city of Solikamsk - part 14:42616
A huge hole in the ground on a flooded mine in Russia in the Urals city of Solikamsk - part 30:51225
Motorist feeds a cookie to an escaped pig0:52399
Tomato battle in Melbourne, Australia3:5988
Prairie dog falls asleep while getting its belly rubbed0:22159
Baby's first words!0:16205
Baby cracks egg better than most adults0:306,155
Chihuahua imitates a goat0:224,331
Michael Sheen delivers passionate speech defending the NHS4:28495
Beagle's Snow Day1:3029
John Terry accused of being a racist by football fan0:321,473
2 year old basketball superstar1:8089
Cat doesn't appreciate topknot3:90174
Accident inside of tunnel1:40100
Moose out for a stroll in Timmins, Ontario0:26218
Baby laughs until he falls over0:13250
Dog chums have playful fight over dog toy0:44106
Hungry pelican5:501,455
'Sweetheart baby' cries in unison with dad0:4913,160
Dog fashion on show in Thailand0:4037
Bearded Dragons at a Pet Show0:28123
Deadly snake versus killer spider in Australia0:507,607
Couple battle spider in house0:33299
Grandma plays piano beautifully8:36185
Road rage in Ireland1:299,292
Villarrica volcano eruption, Chile2:103,850
Hilarious baby announcement2:101,027
Cyclist rides into child crossing road0:32110
Storm approaching Maroubra Beach, Sydney0:18509
Storm cell arriving at Maroubra Beach, Sydney0:372,854
Cat struggles to escape from plastic bag0:18224
Snowman Roman Candle Battle3:321,049
Crazy cockatoo throws objects around house1:48561
Horse 'pedroscope'3:13592
Pug fails at log jump attempt0:28116,675
Cat is master at ignoring excited puppy1:211,213
Ice on the Hudson river, New York0:26140
Thai man has unusual job0:50143
Flare thrown at dugout during Greek football match1:18667
Kid tries to sing Uptown Funk You Up0:381,287
Cat blames dog for fail0:41660
Shooting at Czech restaurant7:55665
Aerial footage of ice on the Hudson River, New York2:30294
Meteor over Rexburg, Idaho 2/23/150:4451
Goalkeeper attacks fan after non-league match4:27943
Tow truck fail0:492,759
Mercedes cuts through roadworks and runs two red lights0:32148
The greatest hurling trick shot of all time0:10982
Man fails at railing stunt0:1760
12 year-old faceplants doing high kicks, mum excited to find out its on tape2:7064
Cyclone Marcia, Rockhampton3:30145
Dog washes cat with its tongue0:22107
Cyclone Marcia creates flooding0:3864
Cats enjoying bathtime1:49181
Girl having sled problems0:4727
Dubai marina building on fire0:3855
Dubai torch tower on fire0:3559
Goat enjoys sled ride0:36550
Girl passes out on slingshot ride1:38254,812
Pet deer drinks milk0:284,745
Drone footage over abandoned RAF base2:271,587
Highway accident in Colorado0:534,128
Cat watches viral videos on computer2:48652
Mass shrovetide football match1:37690
Basketball stuck on rim in final seconds of game0:30100,311
Skier triggers avalanche and rides It out1:303,323
Semi fire on highway in Florida0:21283
Niagara Falls freezes over2:3183,205
Dog runs while dreaming0:21218
Egon the Cat wishes he had opposable thumbs0:42116
Get the Squirrel0:13250
Baby and peacock lounge on couch0:32114
He just wants his friend0:35277
In between Amtrak train cars during Neptune0:29131
Goat kids playing on a barrel0:28160
Dolphin Rescue at Ngwe Saung Beach, Myanmar (Burma)1:3810,947
Olaf the curious puppy!0:15151
Happy Birthday, Flight Attendant!0:28332
Sea Lion stuck Between rocks1:425,332
Deer playing game with Dog0:46328
Unfortunate jet-ski accident1:80639
Baby goat eats child's leftovers1:10955

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