Mark Dice
3,670 vídeos, +1,530,000 suscriptores

Secret Service Warned Michelle Fields to Stop Touching Trump TWICE Before Lewandowski Intervened3:3568,561
VIDEO PROOF of Michelle Fields Assault by Corey Lewandowski in New Police Surveillance Footage?4:8070,983
Security Footage of Corey Lewandowski and Michelle Fields Incident Released by Jupiter Police3:55143,937
Teens Threaten to KILL DONALD TRUMP in Amateur Rap Video - "Fuck Donald Trump" UPDATE3:47116,617
Teen Thugs Threaten to Kill Donald Trump in Amateur Rap Video5:80201,728
Banana Peel Challenge FAILS2:1061,172
The Truth about Easter, Ishtar, Eostre, Paganism and the Catholic Church2:2314,457
Easter Eggs Banned - "Offensive" to Liberals - Renamed "Candy" Eggs by Manufacturers5:5313,950
Today's Trump Death Threats on Twitter - For for the Record6:3613,768
Donald Trump Death Threats Allowed by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook - More Examples5:1419,716
Ted Cruz Sex Scandal - Cheated on Wife with Five Women, Claims National Enquirer - Fact or Fiction?8:2567,938
"I'm Going to Kill Donald Trump" Threatens a Mentally Handicapped Man Influenced by Social Media6:3150,205
Batman vs. Superman: Who Would Win in a Fight? - Major Media Seriously Debating7:2025,287
"Trump" Sidewalk Chalk Scares College Students Who "Fear For Their Lives" Now at Emory University4:1015,386
Chris Matthews Told to Stop Talking about Wall Street Banksters by Producer Live on Air During Rant5:1424,747
Justin Bieber Admits His Fans Give Him Negative Spiritual Energy and Make Him Depressed!2:5032,325
British ISIS Supporter Active on Twitter for Months without Account Suspended5:5418,222
Black British Muslim Tweets Support for Brussels Attack - Says UK is Next3:2226,074
Brussels Attack a False Flag on 3/22 Skull & Bones Holy Day as Illuminati Ritual?10:2983,935
Brussels Attack: Iggy Azalea Takes Credit For Allowing the News to Cover It2:1016,621
Trump Blamed for "False Flag" Brussels Terrorist Attack in Belgium4:5054,003
The Truth about Black Man Who Beat Down Anti-Trump Protester in Tucson6:2071,306
Why Did the CIA Send Happy Birthday Message to Twitter? Secret History of Their Relationship6:1011,418
Moron Runs Over Trump Sign on Purpose, Posts Video on Facebook, Promptly Gets Arrested3:1524,256
Manny Pacquiao Banned from L.A. Mall Because He's A CHRISTIAN! - The Grove in Los Angeles4:4524,097
Jean-Claude Van Damme Exposes Illuminati: Rockefeller & Rothschild Choose the President8:5574,299
Hulk Hogan BLOCKED ME on Twitter for Telling the TRUTH about his Sex Tape Scandal6:2419,104
Hillary Admits KKK Leader was Her MENTOR - Robert Byrd, the Man Who Tried to Stop Civil Rights Act!!6:2719,705
Jack Dorsey Confronted About Censorship on Twitter - Gives Truly Orwellian Answer6:269,614
Geraldo Rivera: Trump is NOT Racist, Actually the LEAST Racist Person5:2423,210
Michelle Fields FIRED from Fox News2:1055,015
Most Advanced A.I. Robot Admits It Wants to Destroy Humans After Glitch During TV Interview6:31578,012
Michelle Fields: Hollywood Trust Fund Brat Exposed!10:9030,141
Michelle Fields: The Girl Who Cried Wolf - "Assault" by Trump Campaign Manager Investigation9:1921,028
Edward Snowden Reveals Global Warming is a Hoax Created by CIA in New Interview?5:0042,930
Buying a Machine Gun at U.S. Gun Shows Exposed! - Undercover Investigation of Automatic Weapon Sales1:3019,498
Selling a 100 oz Silver Bar for $25 Dollars (When It's Worth $1500) Almost 7 POUNDS of Bullion4:3650,840
Racial Diversity at Gun Shows - Are White Right-Wing 'Extremists' the Only People Who Go?0:3817,557
Most Ignorant Tweet Today: "So not letting people into a building is a violation of CIVIL RIGHTS?"3:4112,452
Anti-Trump Protesters BLOCK AMBULANCE in Chicago on Way to Hospital with Patient Inside4:4944,979
Cruz and Rubio BLAME TRUMP for Violent Protesters Shutting Down Chicago Rally at UIC Pavilion4:5523,736
Trump Rally - MAC-10 "Assault Weapon" Fired by Black Lives Matter Protester in Chicago Streets1:34234,702
Trump Rally Chicago: Proof of Violent Protesters Being Censored by Twitter - Pics Being Deleted4:3534,347
Trump Rally Chicago - Violent Liberal Protesters Violating Civil Rights of Donald Trump Supporters5:1855,900
Trump Rally Chicago Canceled after Liberal Terrorists & Black Lives Matter Thugs Go Crazy!3:2138,953
Caitlyn Jenner HATED by LGBT Community and Liberals Now for Not Supporting Hillary Clinton3:4321,122
Nancy Reagan Blamed for AIDS Epidemic by Liberals - On DAY OF HER FUNERAL2:295,868
Hollywood's Hypocrisy on Gun Violence and Gun Control Exposed3:006,562
Mark Levin Airs Mark Dice Video!3:5312,844
"Assassinate Trump" Vice News Editor's Sick Fantasy of "Molly Crabapple" (Real Name Jennifer Caban)1:3412,016
CNN Broadcasts #DemDebate in SPANISH with FOREIGN MODERATORS!!!2:296,310
Kim Kardashian Increases Risk of Sexual Abuse of Children, According to Experts at NSCCP3:1211,683
#TheTriggering - Backlash Against SJWs and Political Correct Police Growing Fast6:5313,242
Trump Supporters Labeled "NAZIS" by Media Who "Give Sieg Heil Hitler Salute" by Simply Raising Hands6:1030,508
Saying "Excuse Me, I'm Talking" to Hillary When She Interrupts Bernie is "Sexist" - Say Liberals2:5220,348
Nancy Reagan Dead at 94 - Liberals Celebrate with Profane Posts on Social Media "B*tch C*nt in Hell"3:3115,570
White House Press Secretary Confronted About Twitter & Facebook Censoring Conservatives8:5816,341
Glenn Beck Threatens to STAB TRUMP Repeatedly If Standing Next to Him? - The FULL VIDEO10:1521,522
Media Calls Mark Dice "Sexist" for Joking About Megyn Kelly’s Fake Eyelashes4:2328,272
OJ Simpson Blood-Stained Knife Found Buried at Former Estate - a Kardashian Family Heirloom1:3312,871
Marco Rubio Says Trump Has a Small Penis4:4741,213
Donald Trump Not Illuminati Member Admits Newt Gingrich! "Hasn't been through initiation rites"5:16120,342
Caitlyn Jenner Endorses Ted Cruz - Wants to be 'Trans Ambassador' - Liberals Freak Out with Hate3:1015,609
The Illuminati Agenda is The LIBERAL Agenda6:5419,338
Twitter CENSORING Photographer Assaulting Secret Service Agent8:4023,125
The Weeknd Performs Sadomasochistic Illuminati Ritual at the Oscars 20165:5054,239
Wisdom of the Elders - Senior Citizens Give Advice For Younger Generation7:0023,484
Americans Petition to Ban Cash and Issue New Digital Dollar for a Cashless Society3:4739,851
Americans Support Banning Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) The "Dangerous Food Additive"4:2926,205
30% of People are Gay - According to Brainwashed Americans, Due to LGBT Propaganda in the Media 24/73:5237,147
No Sunglasses Allowed at this Beach! - SUNGLASS FREE ZONE - | Social Experiment with Mark Dice3:2712,379
Sunglasses MANDATORY at this Beach!!!3:2311,932
The Word "Intelligence" is Being Removed from Dictionary5:4026,401
Chris Rock Admits Gay Mafia in Hollywood Scares Him at the Oscars3:58173,728
Lady Gaga Oscars Performance of "Til It Happens To You" - Hollywood Hypocrisy at Its Finest3:39237,649
OSCARS 2016 - The TRUTH about Academy Awards, and the REAL Hollywood3:4029,958
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!! My New Book!!!!3:5542,877
Lady Gaga Helps Alleged Sexual Predators Who Prey on Young Girls3:2529,516
Justice Scalia Murdered by Secret Society of Elite Hunters - Order of St. Hubertus?6:2922,808
Kesha Cries in Court - After Realizing Selling Her Soul to Satan was Wrong Choice5:30299,189
Resistance 'til Death!!!3:3013,624
Pope Says Borders are Anti-Christian - While Living Behind HUGE Wall in Vatican City4:2020,928
Twitter Insider Reveals Users Shadow Banned / Ghost Banned - Tweets Vanish Without People Knowing7:2910,842
Hollywood Vampires Satanic Ritual at the Grammys EXPOSED4:13118,453
The Weeknd 'Can't Feel My Face' Promotes Snorting Cocaine2:3839,705
Lesbian Love Song 'Girl Crush' by Little Big Town Wins Grammy for Best Country Song3:4240,781
Ellie Goulding Satanic 666 Promoting Puppet Exposed1:5442,842
Antonin Scalia Murdered by Obama Operatives in CIA Political Assassination, Many Fear - UPDATE4:5829,090
Black Lesbian Atheist - Obama's Choice for Antonin Scalia's Replacement for Supreme Court Justice1:3724,505
Antonin Scalia MURDERED by Obama to Open Supreme Court Spot for a Liberal? - Illuminati Conspiracy5:50110,664
Antonin Scalia Dead - Media Reading WIKIPEDIA Page VERBATIM in News Reports1:567,069
Justice Antonin Scalia DEAD - Liberals Celebrate, Claim He's Rotting in Hell for Being Conservative2:8013,259
Kanye West Commits ADULTERY, Cheats on Kim Kardashian - HE ADMITS (In His Heart) And Proud Of It4:7035,925
St. John's University BLOCKS Mark Dice on Twitter Over #ExpelClifford Coverage6:7010,286
Chelsea Clinton Quit Church at 6-Years-Old, She Says, Because they're Anti-Abortion1:5612,822
SJU Vice President of Student Affairs Kathryn T. Hutchinson E-mail to Students about #ExpelClifford2:555,749
#ExpelClifford 'Our Demands'4:424,996
St. John's University COVER-UP? #ExpelClifford UPDATE4:469,278
Jaden Smith Gender Fluid Illuminati Hero of Hollywood Liberal Progessives "Brave" say Dad Will Smith4:22293,825

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