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Ask Gene Baur Anything (Youtube)
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Ask author Gene Baur anything!
28 videos is founds.

How do slaughterhouses compare to the book "The Jungle"? - Gene Baur1:170
How do you feel about people who eat from organic farms? - Gene Baur0:420
How does meat and dairy affect our health? - Gene Baur1:800
How the meat, egg and dairy industries affect environment - Gene Baur2:370
Tell us about the National Conference to End Factory Farming - Gene Baur0:470
How has the film "Forks Over Knives" had an impact? - Gene Baur0:550
How does Big Agriculture respond to Farm Sanctuary? - Gene Baur1:360
How has public opinion of farm animals and food changed since 1986? - Gene Baur1:230
It's illegal in states to take photo or video of farms - Gene Baur1:700
Why focus on farm animals rather than human suffering? - Gene Baur0:380
Whats wrong with eating milk and eggs? - Gene Baur3:260
Why did you become vegan in 1985? - Gene Baur2:800
Do we need to eat meat? - Gene Baur0:460
What does our treatment of animals say about society? - Gene Baur2:440
Why did you write "Farm Sanctuary"? - Gene Baur0:420
What pushed you to work with animals? - Gene Baur1:390
What does the Farm Sanctuary organization do? - Gene Baur3:290
Do our animal shelters need to be looked at closer? - Gene Baur3:570
What does "TIME Magazine" mean by "conscience of the food movement"? - Gene Baur1:700
Tell us about some of the rescued animals - Gene Baur3:390
What can people do to prevent animal cruelty? - Gene Baur1:100
Any advice for one to become vegan? - Gene Baur1:240
Is it difficult to be vegan and what do you like to eat? - Gene Baur1:240
What campaigns have Farm Sanctuary been working on? - Gene Baur1:200
What's the future of the movement to oppose factor farming? - Gene Baur0:440
How did Farm Sanctuary get its start? - Gene Baur1:580
What is "Farm Sanctuary" about? - Gene Baur1:100
What did you learn on the Just Eats Tour? - Gene Baur1:310

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