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L'estate bianconera - Juventus' summer (Youtube)
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Tutti i video dell'estate dei Campioni d'Italia - All the videos from Juventus' summer
30 videos is founds.

Villar Perosa, Juventus A-Juventus B 5-1 - Highlights2:2067,940
01/08/2012 Juventus-Benfica 1-1, Highlights3:3786,813
Herta-Juventus 0-2 gli highlights - Hertha Berlin 0-2 Juventus, the highlights3:20104,979
Un ritiro da protagonisti, con Juventus Member - A special pre-season with Juventus Member2:389,932
La Juventus saluta Chatillon - Juventus bid farewell to Chatillon1:1622,820
Conte e il suo staff al Summer Village - Conte and his staff at Summer Village1:489,988
Diario del ritiro, undicesimo giorno - Pre-season diary, day eleven1:3517,096
Asamoah sul palco del Summer Village - Asamoah at Summer Village1:3035,798
Alla scoperta del ritiro. Con Marrone in palestra - Marrone in the gym2:00186,862
Paolo De Ceglie al Summer Village - De Ceglie at Summer Village1:1919,652
La Juventus al Forte di Bard - Juventus visit Bard Fortress1:6024,180
Diario del ritiro, settimo giorno - Pre-season diary, day seven1:2440,629
Intervista ai preparatori atletici della Juventus - Juventus fitness coaches interviewed4:3919,891
Juventus - Aygreville 7-1 (17/07/2012) - Gli highlights1:42270,786
Vidal sul palco del Summer Village - Vidal at Summer Village1:1641,959
Juventus Jeep drive test - Marrone e Asamoah2:5652,242
Diario del ritiro, quarto giorno - Pre-season diary, day four2:3329,490
Alla scoperta del ritiro. Con Pepe negli spogliatoi - In the dressing room with Pepe2:24458,475
Al Summer Village si gioca in porta! - The Summer Village in safe hands1:2423,725
Diario del ritiro, terzo giorno - Pre-season diary, day three2:4551,290
Il punto sulla preparazione - Intervista a Claudio Filippi - Claudio Filippi's training update2:3631,639
Andrea Agnelli a Chatillon - Andrea Agnelli at Juventus Summer Village1:3316,342
Lichtsteiner e Masi al Summer Village - Lichtsteiner and Masi at the Summer Village2:2033,502
Diario del ritiro, secondo giorno - Second day2:1143,136
Jeep unconventional experience - Day 1 at Juventus Summer Village 121:2816,873
Alla scoperta del ritiro. Con Padoin in albergo squadra - At the team hotel with Padoin3:18303,895
Caceres protagonista al Summer Village - Caceres takes centre stage at Summer Village1:2458,235
Il primo allenamento della stagione - The first training session of the season1:5074,143
La Juventus è in Valle d'Aosta - Bianconeri arrive in Val d'Aosta1:3360,007
Chatillon/Saint Vincent aspetta la Juve - Chatillon/Saint Vincent waits for Juventus1:4738,574

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