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JSConf US 2013 (Youtube)
37 videos is founds.

[JSConfUS 2013] Adam Baldwin: Builders vs Breakers29:19633
[JSConfUS 2013] Brian Leroux: Put a TopCoat on PhoneGap40:36792
[JSConfUS 2013] Scott Andrews: Taming Client-Server Communication24:39565
[JSConfUS 2013] John David Dalton: Perf the web forward!37:321,018
[JSConfUS 2013] Stephen Bannasch: A JavaScript framework for computational simulations27:21448
[JSConfUS 2013] Nathan Totten: Node Copters in the Cloud25:17341
[JSConfUS 2013] Daniel Tralamazza: How to prepare a distributed nodejs application15:31648
[JSConfUS 2013] Domenic Denicola: Boom, Promises/A+ Was Born30:582,542
[JSConfUS 2013] Dan Webb: Flight.js24:564,381
[JSConfUS 2013] Tomomi Imura: Mobile HTML5: Device APIs and related APIs26:20489
[JSConfUS 2013] Blaine Bublitz: Sound Will Age You27:42298
[JSConfUS 2013] Peter Flynn: Performance Tuning Secrets30:207,826
[JSConfUS 2013] Brandon Dimcheff: Down The Rabbit Hole: Chasing bugs from the browser to the backend19:26579
[JSConfUS 2013] Luis Montes: Post Modern Game Input Devices18:47529
[JSConfUS 2013] John Kleinschmidt: Surviving the Offline Apocalypse21:50775
JSConfUS 2013] Carter Rabasa: APIs and Making Humankind Better at Programming25:57745
[JSConfUS 2013] Olivier Crameri: The JavaScript Debug Robot15:12668
[JSConfUS 2013] YayQuery: Yay Yay Yay Query27:111,303
[JSConfUS 2013] Seb Lee-Delisle: CreativeJS - making art in the browser32:412,024
[JSConfUS 2013] Janessa Det: BPM Detection with JavaScript29:901,146
[JSConfUS 2013] Ben Farrell: Using the Microsoft Kinect with Javascript OR Sweatin' to the Web26:511,145
[JSConfUS 2013] Peter van der Zee: Real Time Recompilation of Running JavaScript32:341,370
[JSConfUS 2013] Nicole Sullivan: Creating Living Style Guides34:276,683
[JSConfUS 2013] Brendan Eich: Toward a language-neutral browser VM26:345,734
[JSConfUS 2013] Rebecca Murphey: Optimizing for Developer Delight30:903,451
[JSConfUS 2013] Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke: JS Apps at Facebook18:557,193
[JSConfUS 2013] Erich Gamma: Massive.js30:302,710
[JSConfUS 2013] Steven Wittens: Making WebGL Dance30:5541,940
[JSConfUS 2013] Welcome from Chris and Laura1:139,383
[JSConfUS 2013] Raquel Vèlez: AI.js: Robots with Brains!22:384,717
[JSConfUS 2013] Jed Schmidt: Mass Hysteria: Clients and Servers, Living Together26:321,965
[JSConfUS 2013] Ray Daly: JavaScript Journalism27:382,530
[JSConfUS 2013] Peter Higgins: #dadt (Dojo already did that)32:333,160
[JSConfUS 2013] Andrew Dupont: Learning New Words20:302,868
[JSConfUS 2013] Angus Croll: JavaScript is Literature is JavaScript24:263,754
Angelina Fabbro: JavaScript Masterclass | JSConfUS 201322:34137,204
[JSConfUS 2013] Remy Sharp: Lessons from the experimental edge of technology31:2311,322

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