1,571 videos, +150,000 subscribers

JSConf EU 2013 (Youtube)
51 videos is founds.

Christoph Burgmer: A panoramic tour through HTML5 rendering itself -- JSConf EU 201325:311,946
Nat Buckley: Make world less shit. NOW. -- JSConf EU 201325:551,620
Simon Tennant: The API is dead. Long live the protocol! -- JSConf EU 201318:343,006
Dmitry Jemerov: Static types in JavaScript: what, how and why -- JSConf EU 201324:474,275
Jason Frame: Acceptable in the 80s - Revisiting Microworlds -- JSConf EU 201327:321,425
Andy Wingo: DIY Internet: Snappy, Secure Networking with MinimaLT -- JSConf EU 201325:281,323
Richard Layte & Daniel Perez Alverez: circuit-breaker.js -- JSConf EU 201315:371,470
Nick Small and Edward Ocampo-Gooding: What We Learned by Teaching(.js) -- JSConf EU 201331:501,052
Charlie Crane: Game server development in node.js -- JSConf EU 201331:557,732
Tim Messerschmidt: Getting to know your users -- JSConf EU 201327:55615
Julien Genestoux: Streaming Algorithms in Javascript and Node.js -- JSConf EU 201322:413,047
Sebastian Tiedtke: Functionally Mobile (Automation) -- JSConf EU 201329:20999
Chrissy Welsh: The hitchhikers guide to UXing without a UXer -- JSConf EU31:001,954
Jon Bretman: Ask not what JavaScript can do for you -- JSConf EU 201320:402,910
Martin Boßlet: Javascript Crypto. Ugly duckling with good reason? -- JSConf EU 201325:383,302
Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices -- JSConf EU 201329:32132,588
Christian Kvalheim: Lessons from 4 Years of writing the driver for MongoDB -- JSConf EU 201330:002,301
Adam Brault: People First -- JSConf EU 201344:702,064
Adam Baldwin: Security First -- JSConf EU 201325:101,451
Astrid Bin: Sagascript - JS at the forefront of emerging storytelling -- JSConf EU 201324:56723
Peter Flynn and Kevin Dangoor: Building Live HTML and Omniscient Debuggers in Brackets28:486,654
Forrest Oliphant: vj.js: design for hackability and data flow programming in the browser28:571,666
Hannah Donovan: Sometimes You Need to Draw Animals -- JSConf EU 201326:402,730
Nic da Costa: A Symphony Of Sound, Gone Mobile -- JSConf EU 201316:13646 1 more list
Bartek Szopka: Everything you never wanted to know about JavaScript numbers -- JSConf EU 201326:4515,617
Tim Park: Pointing Forward -- JSConf EU 201318:001,466
Joel Dart: People, The Good Parts -- JSConf EU 201321:70881
Alex Feyerke: I have a Dreamcode: Build Apps, not Backends -- JSConf EU 201330:373,333
Michal Biniek: HTML5 audio sprites -- Holy Grail or Programmers Hell -- JSConf EU 201318:411,336 1 more list
Soledad Penadés: Four to the floor JavaScript -- JSConf EU 201325:601,839 1 more list
Domenic Denicola: The Extensible Web: JavaScript All the Way Down -- JSConf EU 201325:521,687
Pam Selle: For the next generation: JavaScript education for a better JavaScript -- JSConf EU 201319:442,173
Mike West: Towards a post-XSS world. -- JSConf EU 201324:291,957
Shubhie Panicker: CSS module system in Google+ -- JSConf EU 201329:243,989
Patrick Dubroy: Parsing, Compiling, and Static Metaprogramming -- JSConf EU 201327:296,611
Vince Allen: Creating natural simulations in a web browser -- JSConf EU 201327:183,001
Jan Krutisch: JavaScript Patterns For Contemporary Dance Music -- JSConf EU 201330:006,630 1 more list
Forbes Lindesay: Promises and Generators: control flow utopia -- JSConf EU 201331:2724,247
Loreena Lee and John McCutchan: Effectively Managing Memory At Gmail Scale -- JSConf EU 201328:512,448
Brendan Eich: JS Responsibilities -- JSConf EU 201332:239,321
Allen Pike: native.js: JavaScript in your native mobile apps -- JSConf EU 201325:485,098
Hannes Payer: Speed is awesome, but low latency is sublime — JSConf EU 201322:542,927 1 more list
Tom Dale: Stop Breaking the Web -- JSConf EU 201330:287,669
Addy Osmani: Plight Of The Butterfly: Object.observe() -- JSConf EU34:3132,269
Sara Chipps: Hardware is Stupid Simple -- JSConf EU 201326:473,601
Marius Gundersen: A comparison of the two-way binding in AngularJS, EmberJS and KnockoutJS19:1731,972
Martha Girdler: The JavaScript Interpreter, Interpreted -- JSConf EU 201319:186,139
Julian Viereck: Reimplement RegExp in JavaScript -- JSConf EU 201329:173,050
Nat Duca: Advanced Jank Busting in Chrome -- JSConf EU 201323:554,470
Natalia Berdys: The web experience in the autistic spectrum -- JSConf EU 201330:386,430
Martin Kleppe: 1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry -- JSConf EU 201331:2048,798

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