1,271 videos, +350,000 subscribers

This Map Looks Like Treyarch Made it! Alien Isolation Custom Map | Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Showcase5:1223,540
Newton's Cookbook Possible Backstory Explained | Isaac Newton in the Zombies Storyline?7:3815,337
Nuketown Loading Screen Drill in Revelations and Origins | Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline5:5443,437
Wunderwaffe DG-2 in Shadows of Evil | Shiny's Weapon Mod Pack | Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Showcase6:257,011
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Project For Awesome 20163:161,981
Black Ops 1 Interrogation Room Zombie Map in Black Ops 3 Zombies | Mod Tools Showcase4:3938,797
The Murder of Dr Maxis Explained | What Happens to Maxis 1.0 Explained | Zombies Storyline9:2233,377
Nacht Der Untoten Remastered In Black Ops 3 Zombies | Black Ops 3 Zombies Mod Showcase5:5416,667
Did Peter McCain Create the Ray Gun Mark 3 Explained | Who Created the Ray Gun Mark 311:4550,461
The Mystery of the Original Staffs | Have We Ever Used the Original Staffs | Zombie Storyline10:5430,919
Nazi Richtofen and the Comic Nazi Zombies the Same Person? Zombies Storyline5:4630,431
Zombies in Spaceland Review and Initial impressions and Easter Egg Talk | Zombroz 611:02:134,548
Zombies in Spaceland Review and Initial impressions and Easter Egg Talk | Zombroz 610:112,013
Zombies in Spaceland DLC 1 Found in the Afterlife Arcade? | IW Zombies DLC Movie Posters Explained5:2424,280
No Zombies in Spaceland Easter Egg Ending Cutscene? | No True Story in Zombies in Spaceland6:5022,396
Kino Der Toten and Zombies in Spaceland Connected? Faust in the Zombies Storyline Explained9:4255,792
Zombies in Spaceland Secret Storyline | Devil Hidden in Zombies and Spaceland Secret Language4:1025,614
Infinite Warfare Zombies in Spaceland Secret Language Solved | Zombies in Spaceland Easter Egg6:1118,405
Zombies in Spaceland Intro Cutscene and Storyline | Infinite Warfare Zombies in Space Storyline9:6034,155
Escape FROM ZOMBIE ISLAND, Future of our channels, and Infinite Warfare Zombies1:06:515,738
New Nazi Zombie Wrong! | Nazi Zombie Possible Backstory | Call of Duty Zombies Comic Issue #1 Story7:0029,013
Stuhlinger's Secret Mission From Richtofen Explained | Call of Duty Zombies Comic Issue #1 Storyline5:4022,260
Call of Duty Zombies Issue #1 Review and First Impessions | NO SPOILERS | Zombies Storyline5:5110,358
Could Sophia be Samantha's Mother Explained | Who is Samantha's Mother | Zombies Storyline5:7021,113
New Nikolai and Weasel Connection Found | Nikolai's Hidden Revelations Quotes | Zombies Storyline5:3259,207
Nikolai's Wife's Death Explained | The Tragedy of Nikolai in Black Ops 3 | Zombies Storyline11:2446,605
Dr Schuster in Nuketown Loading Screen | New Nuketown Loading Screen Explained and Secrets8:1135,092
Revelations Red Eyes, Blood Vials and Mob of the Dead Connections Explained | Zombies Storyline6:2639,461
Hidden Secrets in Call of Duty Zombies Comic #1 | All Ciphers in Call of Duty Zombies Comic Solved4:2917,816
Call of Duty Zombies Comic Talk Talk and More | Zombroz 5958:405,531
The Case for Dr Monty | Why Dr Monty Might Actually Be Good Explained | Zombies Storyline Expalined8:1822,987
Where do Richtofen's Original Blood Vials Come From Expalined | First Blood Vial Paradox Explained12:5135,965
Betraying Richtofen in Revelations? Why'd It Never Happen? Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline Explained9:1541,374
Does the Giant Make Sense Explained | How the Giant Fits into Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline10:2061,161
Where is Dr Monty Throughout Black Ops 2 Explained | Who is Dr Monty | Zombies Storyline Explained11:9052,389
Genesis.mkv Fiasco and Custom Zombies Thoughts so far | Zombroz 5840:408,180
Revelations 2nd Ending Shit Show Explained in a Nut Shell | Revelations Alternate Ending is it real3:5040,911
Could the Shadow Man be Samantha in Origins | The Shadow Man's Secret Identity? | Zombies Storyline10:1736,543
Dr Monty to Harm the Kids? Are the Children Truly Safe with Monty | Revelations Storyline6:5336,310
Richtofen Drinks the Blood Vials Revelations The Gift Music Video Explained | Revelations Storyline5:5162,878
Who are the Keepers Explained and the Mystery of the Vril-ya Explained | Zombies Storyline Explained7:2026,789
Our Amazing Custom Map Ideas and Black Ops 3 Custom Map Reviews FEAT Ch0pper | Zombroz 5751:238,819
Where is Cthulhu in Revelations | Cthulhu and Lovecraft in Shadows of Evil Explained8:1051,082
Revelations Alternate Easter Egg Ending Storyline Implications | Richtofen's Sacrifice7:3040,094
The Second Secret City Beneath Shadows of Evil | Shadow's of Evil's Secret | Black Ops 3 Zombies6:5375,188
The Origins of Dr Monty and the Shadow Man Explained | The Elders in the Zombies Storyline13:4158,558
What's the Apothicon Sun Explained | The History of the Apothicons Footnote | Zombies Storyline6:3335,710
Gold Era of Zombies Dying? Treyarch's Next Big Move? Zombroz 561:09:4312,945
Who are the Apothicons Explained | The History of the Apothicons in the Zombie Storyline Explained7:3458,967
Richtofen, The Shadow Man's Apprentice Explained | Richtofen's Evil Voices | Revelations Storyline8:3556,664
Is Maxis the Ascension Poster Bald Man Explained | Who is the Bald Man (Zombie Storyline Debunked)5:2129,342
Zombies in Spaceland Review - What they Won't Tell You | Zombies in Spaceland Review at COD XP10:2746,159
Are the Children Dead Explained | Revelations Missing Children Explained | Revelations Storyline10:2151,478
Maxis Dies After Revelations Easter Egg Ending | Revelations Cipher Solved | Revelations Storyline4:4039,930
Revelations Super Easter Egg and Alternate Ending Thoughts | Zombroz 551:04:4818,106
Why Primis Will Fail Explained | Did Monty Know about the Infinite Cycle? Revelations Storyline10:2376,873
All Black Ops 3 Zombies Easter Egg Ending Cutscenes All EE Cutscenes (Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline)10:5435,705
Revelations Easter Egg Ending Explained | End of Zombies Explained | Revelations Storyline16:70292,545
Monty's Suicide Mission: Revelations Easter Egg | Must the Origins Crew Die | Revelations Storyline7:4756,810
Dr Maxis Poisoned Sophia | Revelations Easter Egg Second Reel Explained | Revelations Storyline8:3463,538
Revelation's Keeper Ritual Reel Easter Egg Explained | Why Sophia is a Robot Explained | Revelations9:2748,275
Revelations Unsolved! Revelations Review and initial thoughts! Zombroz 54 live57:0016,232
Is Dr Monty the Shadow Man Explained | Dr Monty Worm Theory | Revelations Storyline Explained8:3484,361
Dr Monty a Zombie in Revelations? Revelations Red Scarf Zombie Easter Egg | Revelations Easter Egg3:4768,392
Jason Blundell Cod XP Intel | Ascension Bald Man, Revelations Easter Eggs and More!35:2315,552
Call of the Dead Crew Dead | Sarah Michelle Gellar in Shangr-La | Revelations Storyline Radios8:22180,012
Richtofen's Secret Mob of the Dead Mission | New Blood Vial Information! Revelations Storyline7:45160,858
Is Dr Monty the Devil Explained | Dr Monty Secretly Evil? Revelations Easter Eggs and Storyline5:6072,743
Revelation's Origins Ending Radio | Origins Ending Continued? Revelation's Easter Egg and Storyline5:3692,323
Why the Children Must Be Safe Explained | Revelations' Children Importance | Revelations Storyline11:1359,372
Thunder Gun in Revelations Possibly! | Revelations Promotinal Poster Thunder Gun4:2130,989
Is Dr Maxis Dead in Revelations Explained | Is the Shadow Man Dr Maxis in Revelations Explained11:3442,664
Revelations Prologue Review and Revelations Easter Egg Predications | Cod XP Hype38:5113,675
Revelations Prologue Explained | Revelations Trailer | Revelations Intro Storyline Explained9:11104,106
Infinite Warfare Zombies Reveal and Dr. Monty Reveal Review!29:1212,582
Is Dr Monty the Weasel Explained | Dr Monty Face Reveal | Dr Monty's Secret Red Scarf Easter Egg7:9064,440
Zombies In Spaceland Reveal Trailer Secrets and Easter Eggs | Infinite Warfare Zombies Reveal8:0054,477
Nikolai Murders Everyone | Why Nikolai Kills Everyone Explained | Gorod Krovi Music Video7:2957,056
Nightmare Summer Image | New Infinite Warfare Zombies Map Revealed? | IW Zombies Map Teaser Image5:4625,507
Infinite Warfare Zombies First In-Game Look? New Map: Disco Devil? Infinite Warfare Zombies Teaser3:9031,262
All Secrets of the Kronorium Explained So Far | Gorod Krovi's Kronorium Experts | Zombie Storyline10:4543,678
TANK STABS NIKOLAI! | Takeo's Offical Memory Trailer Breakdown | Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline8:40345,222
Wolf King's True Identity Explained | Who Built Der Eisendrache | Is Pablo Marinus the Wolf King10:3556,434
Richtofen Already in the House Meaning Explained | Eddie and Richtofen's Connection Explained12:6090,164
Is Richtofen Secretly Evil Explained | Richtofen Lied? | Dr Monty Betraying Richtofen in DLC 47:4366,137
Gorod Krovi Easter Egg Ending | Richtofen's Missing Soul Meaning Explained | Gorod Krovi Storyline11:26153,763
Infinite Warfare Zombies First Teaser Discussion | What Zombies Almost Was (FEAT) Glitching Queen46:2537,442
Dr Monty is God Explained | Who is Dr Monty | Dr Monty Secret Wisp Quotes | Gorod Krovi Storyline8:0086,771
Why Tranzit isn't in the 1960s | Tranzit in 2025 Explained (Zombie Storyline Debunked)5:9089,980
Stuhlinger's Crazy Secret | Samuel Stuhlinger Kronorium Easter Egg | Black Ops 3 Zombies Storyline8:18232,781
Gorod Krovi's Easter a Disappointment? Gorod Krovi Review and Analysis48:2031,211
Tranzit Crew Returns in Gorod Krovi Easter Egg Cipher | Tranzit Crew Blood Vials | Zombies Storyline6:34239,684
Are Richtofen's Blood Vials Empty | Gorod Krovi Easter Egg Ending Secret (Zombie Storyline Debunked)6:4790,832
Gorod Krovi Easter Egg Ending Cutscene | Dr Monty REVEALED | Gorod Krovi Storyline Ending Explained11:23258,195
Gorod Krovi Octal Cipher Easter Egg Solved | Kronorium Finally Explained | Gorod Krovi Storyline4:1447,069
Dr. Monty in Gorod Krovi | Dr. Monty Ominous Link to Shadow Man | Black Ops 3 Gorod Krovi Storyline7:1158,625
Gorod Krovi Intro Cinematic Explained Gorod Krovi Storyline Explained Peter McCain's Secret Mission9:6078,414
Is Dr. Monty Russman Explained | Russman's Secret Identity? (Zombies Storyline Debunked)7:17260,417
Dr Monty Secret Evil Identity Theory | Who Really is Dr Monty Explained | Gorod Krovi Storyline7:53142,796
Gorod Krovi Storyline | Nikolai 1.0 Already Dead in Gorod Krovi | Gorod Krovi in Puragatory Hell7:18128,764

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