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Stillness (Youtube)
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So often in our modern stressful lives we forget that we need to be still to allow our minds and bodies to recharge. To sit in stillness is often difficult for us to do nowadays with so many things to distract us.

Use these calming videos filmed in nature to help you sit in stillness, better still get out into nature and sit in places like those depicted in these videos.

Share this playlist with your friends and encourage them to spend some time in stillness.


Então, muitas vezes em nossas vidas modernas estressantes nos esquecemos Abebooks web need to Be Still para permitir que nossas mentes e corpos para recarregar. Para sentar-se em silêncio é muitas vezes dificuldade para nós fazer Hoje em dia, com tantas coisas para nos distrair.

Use vídeos tese calmantes filmadas em espécie, para ajudá-lo a sentar-se em silêncio, melhor ainda sair na natureza e se sentar em lugares como os representados em vídeos tese.

Compartilhe isso com seus amigos lista de reprodução e encoraja-os a passar algum tempo em silêncio.


Si souvent dans nos vies stressantes modernes nous oublions que nous ne avons besoin d'être encore pour permettre à nos esprits et nos corps pour recharger. Pour se asseoir dans le silence est souvent difficile pour nous de le faire de nos jours avec tant de choses à nous distraire.

Utilisez ces vidéos filmées apaisement dans la nature pour vous aider à asseoir dans le calme, le silence de mieux sortir dans la nature et de se asseoir dans des endroits comme ceux décrits dans les vidéos de synthèse.

Partager cette playlist avec vos amis et les encourager à passer quelque temps dans le calme.


So oft in unserer stressigen modernen Lebens vergessen wir Abebooks Web Notwendigkeit, Anmelden Seien Sie noch, damit unser Geist und Körper wieder aufzuladen. Um in Ruhe sitzen, ist oft schwierig für uns, heute mit so vielen Dingen um uns abzulenken tun.

Verwenden beruhigende These Videos Sach gefilmt, damit Sie sitzen in der Stille noch besser raus in die Natur und in Ländern wie diejenigen in These Videos Dargestellt sitzen.

Teile es mit Deinen Freunden Playlist und ermutigt sie, einige Zeit in Ruhe verbringen.


Muy a menudo en nuestra vida moderna estresantes nos olvidamos necesidad web Abebooks Entra Be Still para permitir que nuestros cuerpos y mentes para recargar. Para sentarse en la quietud es a menudo difícil para nosotros hacer hoy en día con tantas cosas que nos distraigan.

Utilice vídeos tesis calmantes filmadas en especie para ayudar a que usted se sienta en silencio, mejor aún salir a la naturaleza y sentarse en lugares como los que se representan en los videos de tesis.

Compartir con sus amigos lista d


Zo vaak in onze stressvolle moderne leven vergeten we Abebooks web noodzaak Log Ben nog om onze geest en lichaam op te laden. Te zitten in stilte is vaak moeilijk voor ons om te doen tegenwoordig met zoveel dingen om ons af te leiden.

Gebruik kalmerende scriptie video's gefilmd in natura om u te helpen te zitten in stilte, beter nog uit in de natuur en zitten in plaatsen als Degenen Afgebeeld in scriptie video's.

Deel dit met je vrienden afspeellijst en moedigt hen aan om wat tijd doorbrengen in stilte.


Jadi Seringkali dalam kehidupan kita stres modern yang kita lupa Abebooks kebutuhan web Log Jadilah Masih untuk memungkinkan pikiran dan tubuh kita untuk mengisi ulang. Untuk duduk dalam keheningan yang Sering kesulitan bagi kita untuk melakukan Saat ini dengan Jadi Banyak Hal yang mengalihkan perhatian kita.

Menggunakan video tesis menenangkan difilmkan dalam bentuk untuk membantu Anda duduk dalam keheningan, masih lebih baik keluar Ke Alam dan duduk di tempat-tempat seperti yang digambarkan dalam video tesis.

Berbagi dengan teman-teman playlist Anda dan mendorong mereka untuk menghabiskan Beberapa waktu dalam keheningan.


Così spesso nella nostra vita moderna stressanti dimentichiamo AbeBooks bisogno Web per accedere Be Still per permettere ai nostri menti e corpi per ricaricare. Per sedersi in silenzio è spesso difficile per noi fare oggi con tante cose per distrarre noi.

Usare i video tesi calmanti girati in natura per aiutare a sedere in silenzio, meglio ancora uscire nella natura e sedersi in posti come quelli raffigurati in video tesi.

Condividi con i tuoi amici playlist e li incoraggia a trascorrere del tempo in silenzio. less
25 vidéos trouvées.

1Hr. Relaxing Nature Sounds-Waterfall-Soothing Birdsong-Relaxation Sounds for Study1:00:2052 52126 listes de plus
8 hours Nature Sounds-Relaxing Lapping Water-Birds Singing-Relaxation-Meditation8:21:3973 05430 listes de plus
Nature Sounds- A Short Meditation by the Lake Shore-Lapping Water-Birds Singing14:2341 17920 listes de plus
1 hour of Relaxing Nature Sounds-Birds Singing-Water Flowing Sounds-Relaxation-Meditation1:00:4057 11023 listes de plus
A short 20min.Meditation in Nature-Soothing Sounds of Birdsong-Birds Singing-Relaxation20:2080 92721 listes de plus
8 Hours Relaxing Sounds of Water & Birdsong-Nature Sounds-Relaxation-Meditation8:19:41197 66430 listes de plus
8 Hour Nature Sounds-Relaxation-Meditation-Birdsong-Birds Singing-Forest Sounds8:20:16189 18327 listes de plus
Relaxing Sounds of Nature-8 Hours Relaxation-Meditation-Get to Sleep-Relax-Sound of Water8:18:4866 22527 listes de plus
Relaxing Nature Sounds-8 Hours-Waterfall Sound-W/O Birdsong-Relaxation-Meditation8:17:23149 80630 listes de plus
Relaxation-Nature Sounds-8 hours-Sound of Water-Birdsong-Birds Singing-Relaxing Sounds8:17:23120 99532 listes de plus
8 hours Nature Sounds-Birds Singing- Waterfall-Birdsong-Sound of Water-Relaxation-Meditation8:20:14541 10832 listes de plus
8 hours of Water Sounds for Relaxation and Meditation-Relaxing Waterfall-W/O Birdsong8:15:80168 23430 listes de plus
8 Hours Relaxing Nature Sounds for Studying-Birdsong Relaxation-Bird Singing8:16:25326 54431 listes de plus
8 Hours Relaxing Sounds of Nature-Bird Sounds-Water Sounds-Waterfall-Birds singing8:20:30125 53930 listes de plus
8 Hour Relaxation-Nature Sounds-Birds Singing-Mindfulness Meditation-Sound of a Forest8:16:59375 52331 listes de plus
Relaxation-8 Hours Nature Sounds-Ambient Birdsong-Relaxing Sound of Water-Meditation8:15:80236 68532 listes de plus
8 Hour Relax-Soothing Water Sound Relaxation-Nature Sounds-Calming-Meditation-Healing8:20:35198 04330 listes de plus
Relax 8 Hours of Birds Singing and Water Sounds-Nature Sound Relaxation-Relaxing Birdsong7:57:32981 85032 listes de plus
Nature Sounds-8 Hour Relaxation-Birds Singing-Sound of Gentle Lake Waves Meditation8:19:13619 94531 listes de plus
Relaxing 8 Hours of Nature Sounds-Birds Singing-Water Sound Relaxation-Relax Bird Song8:20:14862 47231 listes de plus
8 Hours of Soothing Water Sounds-Waterfall-Relaxation-Meditation-Nature Sounds-Relax8:24:57181 29030 listes de plus
Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Water Sounds-White Noise-Sleep-Meditation-Relaxation-Nature Sounds8:20:39188 35830 listes de plus
8 Hour Nature Sound Relaxation-Soothing Forest Birds Singing-Relaxing Sleep Sounds-Without Music8:19:523 224 41919 listes de plus
Relax-Nature Sounds-8 Hours-Waterfalls-Bird Songs-Sleep, Relaxation, Meditation and Study8:20:101 646 37718 listes de plus
Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Nature Sounds-Study-Sleep-Meditation-Water Sounds-Bird Song8:20:408 228 54422 listes de plus

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