6 477 vidéos, +281 000 abonnés

Mass Effect 3: Meeting the Rachni Queen & Grunt8:590
Mass Effect 3: Ereba & Charr the Krogan poet1:160
Mass Effect 3: Liara talks to her "father"5:230
Mass Effect 3: Joker tells a joke about Rachni wars1:100
Mass Effect 3: Liara's Time Capsule (Female, Infiltrator, Spacer, Paragon)2:4801 liste
Mass Effect 3: Mordin's planning Garrus & Eve's marriage0:400
Mass Effect 3: Mordin, beach, ocean and seashells0:230
Mass Effect 3: Mordin sings again0:350
Mass Effect 3: Food aboard the Normandy0:160
Mass Effect 3: Krogan female knows how to handle herself0:570
Mass Effect 3: Liara and the yahgs0:300
Mass Effect 3: Kirrahe is holding the line2:380
Mass Effect 3: Garrus's reaction to a bomb :)0:700
Mass Effect 3: Wrex's joking with Liara and Garrus0:560
Mass Effect 3: Jack's new looks and attitude7:590
Mass Effect 3: Meeting David Archer from Overlord DLC1:130
Mass Effect 3: Joker's diversion1:400
Mass Effect 3: Liara meets her "father"3:230
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #8: The second human Spectre1:500
Mass Effect 3: Calling Hanar diplomat "big stupid jellyfish" (FemShep)0:420
Mass Effect 3: Shepard VI (Paragon version)1:110
Mass Effect 3: Kasumi's being nostalgic about Jacob0:220
Mass Effect 3: Aria's famous rule still applies0:550
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #7: Visiting Kaidan in Hospital (Faithful Shepard)3:500
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #6: Kaidan is offered Spectre status (Faithful Shepard) v23:400
Mass Effect 3: New, super-hot sexy EDI!5:400
Mass Effect 3: Garrus returns to his calibrations0:530
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #5: Kaidan gravely injured7:130
Mass Effect 3: Khalisah al-Jilani fights back :D0:290
Mass Effect 3: Knocking Khalisah al-Jilani off0:360
Mass Effect 3: Making peace with Khalisah al-Jilani1:300
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #4: Knowing who you are2:320
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #3: Knowing what's at stake0:360
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #2: About Shepard's work for Cerberus1:520
Mass Effect 3: Kaidan Romance #1: FemShep reunited with Kaidan4:330
Mass Effect 2: The reason why Shepard's on trial in ME3 [Arrival DLC]22:5201 liste
Mass Effect 2: Are Geth building a Reaper?2:2301 liste
Dragon Age 2: Interrogating a horse0:3401 liste
Zevran slips his hand into a dark hole [Dragon Age: Origins]0:5601 liste
Zevran likes to get dinner before being... [Dragon Age: Origins]1:2201 liste
Zevran pleads for the Dalish [Dragon Age: Origins]1:3301 liste
Alistair: "Flemeth's Finishing school of the Wilds" [Dragon Age: Origins]1:5001 liste
Oghren: "Elves are bloody brilliant" [Dragon Age: Origins]1:4001 liste
The Witcher 2: A Sackful of Fluff3:460
SWTOR Khem Val Story part 5: Misery0:4401 liste
SWTOR Khem Val Story part 4: Exultation0:5501 liste
SWTOR Khem Val Story part 3: A Master's Apprentice0:5601 liste
SWTOR Khem Val Story part 2: Khem is Watching0:3901 liste
SWTOR Khem Val Story part 1: Welcome Khem Val0:2301 liste
SWTOR: Exploring Revan's Vault on Nar Shaddaa [KotOR reference]8:1801 liste
SWTOR: Nar Shaddaa Quest Chain (Empire)28:2101 liste
SWTOR: Darth Lachris and M Sith Inquisitor Romance (Balmorra)4:900
SWTOR: Balmorra Bonus Series (Empire)10:3301 liste
SWTOR: Darth Lachris quest chain (Balmorra)11:1801 liste
SWTOR: Balmorra Quest Chain (Empire)9:5001 liste
SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Storyline part 5: Obtaining Lord Kallig's Mask3:4002 listes
SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Storyline part 4: Becoming a cult-leader on Nar Shaddaa21:5402 listes
Mass Effect 2: Email (with voiceover) from Ashley after the meeting on Horizon1:570
Mass Effect 2: Email (with voiceover) from Kaidan after the meeting on Horizon2:370
Mass Effect 2: Turian's trying to woo a Quarian girl1:3101 liste
Mass Effect 2: Salarian Bachelor Party2:1201 liste
Mass Effect 2: Krogan breeding requests0:1901 liste
Mass Effect 2: Garrus & Grunt about smell of burning bodies0:1601 liste
Mass Effect 2: Kenneth & Gabby compilation9:2601 liste
Mass Effect 2: M!Shep and Kelly romance13:2501 liste
Mass Effect 2: Kelly in Shepard's Cabin7:5201 liste
Mass Effect 2: M!Shep flirts with Kelly5:3401 liste
Mass Effect 2: MaleShep flirts with Samara1:5701 liste
Mass Effect 2: Rumors about Joker and EDI relationship0:3301 liste
Mass Effect 2: Mordin's letting Shepard down easy0:5901 liste
Mass Effect 2: Tali versus Volus4:4001 liste
Mass Effect 2: Tali versus Legion1:4101 liste
Mass Effect 2: Bringing Legion aboard the Migrant Fleet2:2901 liste
Mass Effect 2: Mordin about Garrus romance1:1801 liste
Mass Effect 2: Mordin about Thane romance1:160
Mass Effect 2: Mordin about Jacob romance1:130
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Garrus #20:2101 liste
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Garrus #10:1201 liste
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Jack #30:160
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Jack #20:900
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Jack #10:100
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Thane #20:210
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Thane #10:110
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Jacob #20:180
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Jacob #10:110
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Miranda #20:1801 liste
Mass Effect 2: Joker about Miranda #10:1201 liste
Mass Effect 2: Miranda Romance #7 (version 1: kiss)3:2001 liste
Mass Effect 2: Thane's Shadow Broker dossier4:530
Mass Effect 2: Jacob's Shadow Broker dossier2:270
Mass Effect 2: Garrus's Shadow Broker dossier4:4801 liste
SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Storyline part 3: Skinny-dipping in a toxic waste pit16:2802 listes
SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Storyline part 2: Killing half-machine Darth26:2002 listes
SWTOR: Recovering the Mask of Revan [KotOR reference]1:1901 liste
SWTOR: Order of Revan (Revanites) quest chain on Dromund Kaas [KotOR reference]24:2202 listes
SWTOR: Balmorra Quest Chain (Republic)33:2801 liste
SWTOR: Alderaan Quest Chain (Republic)29:4501 liste
SWTOR: Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series (Republic)17:5901 liste
SWTOR: Tatooine Bonus Series (Republic)12:3001 liste
SWTOR: Jealous Corso compilation [Corso Riggs Romance]5:2602 listes

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