European Commission
3 061 vidéos, +89 500 abonnés

European Emergency Response2:101 255
Citizens' Dialogue in Heidelberg, Germany - Viviane Reding- Debate on the Future of Europe2:34870
Citizens' Dialogue in Heraklion, Greece- Maria Damanaki - Debate on the Future of Europe3:50401
Citizens' Dialogue in Warsaw, Poland - Barroso and Reding- Debate on the Future of Europe3:352 050
Citizens' Dialogue in Esch, Luxembourg - Viviane Reding - Debate on the Future of Europe4:501 246
Join the debate! Next Citizens' Dialogue in Sofia, Bulgaria on 23/070:32584
Barroso moved and grateful while talking about Mandela1:80639
Citizens' Dialogue with Viviane Reding, from Esch to Heidelberg1:90547
Barroso's provocation - New Narrative for Europe1:121 291
Handing over of the euro dummies - Latvia joins Eurozone1:171 127
Erasmus - changing lives, opening minds for 25 years2:305 228
Barroso on US surveillance of the EU and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)3:101 451
Statement by the European Commission on alleged surveillance of EU premises - PRISM18:461 235
Citizens' Dialogue in Milan, Italy - Connie Hedegaard -European Debate4:15557
Roma citizens integration - European Union roundtable2:411 460
How deep would you go to share your view about waste? Waste smART contest0:59539
Welcome Croatia1:1126 399
Passenger Rights - No plane, no game0:421 741
Passenger Rights - Bus or ship delayed0:491 725
Croatia is...Part 2/20:333 770
Barroso and Schwarzenegger presenting "R20 Regions of Climate Action"2:701 540
EU Passenger rights - No train, no Wedding0:431 719
Croatia is... Part 1/20:4417 081
Citizens' Dialogue in Düsseldorf, Germany - Gunther Oettinger - Debate on the Future of Europe4:80631
EU-US trade (TTIP) - G8 - Obama, Barroso, Van Rompuy and Cameron - "Highlights"2:132 736
Citizens' Dialogue in Prague, Czech Republic - Stefan Fule- Debate on the Future of EU3:15525
Citizens' Dialogue in Ljubiana, Slovenia - Janez Potocnik - Debate on the Future of EU3:59346
José Manuel Barroso on TTIP mandate: "Where there is a will, there is a way"1:291 136
Viviane Reding on PRISM1:111 450
Nuclear Safety - EU Stress Tests0:55866
European Commission position on Turkey - Taksim Square6:181 160
European Union position on PRISM13:433 277
Erasmus for Young Entrepeneurs1:31490
Every breath you take - Air pollution in Europe - Year of Air2:311 535
Citizens' Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium - Viviane Reding - European Debate2:541 769
Statement by Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President, on Syria1:21527
The EU institutions explained by their Presidents9:132 371
Citizen's Report3:225 146
Citizens' Dialogue in Eupen, Belgium with Johannes Hahn2:70385
Citizens' Dialogue in Torino, Italy with Cecilia Malmström5:57527
Citizens' Dialogue in Coimbra, Portugal with Viviane Reding8:35822
Citizens' Dialogue in Cadiz, Spain with Viviane Reding3:42337
Citizens' Dialogue in Naples, Italy with László Andor4:58387
Citizens' Dialogue - Message by Viviane Reding0:516 999
Citizens' Dialogue in Berlin, Germany with Viviane Reding4:45540
Citizens' Dialogue in Graz, Austria with Viviane Reding4:60332
Citizens' Dialogue in Roma, Italy with Antonio Tajani4:13567
Citizens' Dialogue in Pisa, Italy with Janez Potočnik4:231 296
Citizens' Dialogue in Dublin, Ireland with Viviane Reding7:30521
Citizens' Dialogue in Thessaloniki, Greece with Viviane Reding8:511 069
"Women and the European Year of the Citizens" with Viviane Reding3:40326
Citizens' Dialogue in Ghent, Belgium with Karel De Gucht3:383 918
OTL: Remote handling - Fusion research2:13546
CESAR-OCTAVIUS: Large scale carbon capture for cleaner air2:30414
BABETHANOL: Next generation biofuels2:16324
ADDRESS: Cheaper and greener electricity at home2:20158
BIOCORE : From biofuels to bioplastics2:17827
CHIC: Green buses for European cities2:181 227
DIGESPO: New solar system for energy-efficient buildings2:261 128
GENRISK T: Exploring the effects of low-dose radiation2:20197
NACIR: Innovative photovoltaic modules2:10569
UPWIND: Next generation wind turbines2:13738
Moving within Europe - What about your social security if you commute between two EU countries?3:105 056
Every breath we take1:101 187
Working conditions of temporary workers in the European Union2:403 224
Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation0:598 308
Moving within Europe - As a pensioner what are your rights if you move to another EU country?2:281 242
Join the debate on Europe2:0012 188
How to export - Export Helpdesk3:454 921
Citizens' Dialogue in Dublin, Ireland - Viviane Reding7:301 113
Youth Guarantee - Youth Employment1:3020 356
EU action on nutrition & physical activity3:261 603
Future of Rails2:503 207
EU Bookshop — All you are looking for!1:101 139
The new Open Data portal in a nutshell1:142 591
One Europe, One driving licence1:809 363
Eco-Innovation - When business meets the environment0:484 138
One minute in the life of the EU Customs Union1:338 962
Your peace, your prize!1:508 188
Your peace, your prize!0:201 037
Europe, from war to peace5:4312 591
Stop Food Waste1:30218 231
TED - Expand and diversify your business0:342 254
Now the power is yours!1:414 1411 liste
Gender Balance on Corporate Boards - #womenonboards1:904 328
ECHO Eurobarometer 20122:301 115
Making More From Less -- Stepping Towards Green Growth in the EU3:561 085
Poverty in the EU -- a Question of Perspective5:18980
Poverty in Europe - Beyond Just Income5:541 802
Electricity in the EU - Sparking a Green Economy3:541 157
Languages mean Business -- Working lunch in Warsaw on the European Day of Languages 20113:371 798
Europe's industry, Europe's heartbeat2:2118 469
Single Market Week0:462 998
How can the private sector drive development progress?0:37358
How can the private sector drive development progress?0:37885
20x20 - Europe's Single Market is 20 Years Old3:193 259
Do the right mix - Sustainable Urban Mobility2:3413 836
'How can we feed the world? EDD12: Join the debate!'0:312 155
European Transport, Research and Innovation1:251 890
Agenda for Change2:262 117

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