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VIA GRA (Youtube)
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Eric Herceg, Michael Romanov and Nastya Kozhevnikova - three girls who are beginning a new history of the legendary band. Each of them had previously been his own life, with its dramas, experiences and goals. But the fate of the three came together at one point, when the girls were in one of the most ambitious projects in the history of television, "I WANT V VIA Gra". For two months, viewers were glued to television screens, watching the thousands of participants from four countries, which claim to become the new faces of the most popular women's group.

Composer and producer Konstantin Meladze again managed to make something completely new and unexpected. In front of millions of viewers, he created a completely new formula beloved team. In the entire history of the band for 13 years, it is constantly changing, which could monitor not only the fate of artists, but also sociological, stylistic and technological trends and changes in the entertainment business. The band became a kind of school of life for many of its participants. From the walls of the school were such well-known singer, actress and TV presenter, Vera Brezhnev, Anna Sedokova Albina Dzhanabaeva, Svetlana Loboda, Hope Granovsky, Alain Vinnytsia and others. And as it is now rapidly changing society neither, nor multiplied to trends, the group "VIA GRA" among women's teams are always №1. less

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