Dr. Phil
9 338 vidéos, +5 300 000 abonnés

Liste de lecture:
Addiction (Youtube)
30 vidéos trouvées.

Watch How A 32-Year-Old Drug Addict Gets Through The Day2:18279 272
Why This Mom Works Two Jobs To Support Her Grown Son Who Uses Drugs? -- Dr. Phil5:20127 872
"Our Mother Has Munchausen Syndrome" -- Dr. Phil3:10624 383
'Running with Scissors' Author Augusten Burroughs Tells Dr. Phil About His Addiction Struggles3:0017 980
See Dr. Phil Defend His Staff!3:14590 530
Two Amandas - Dr. Phil2:007 632
Inside the World of OCD - Dr. Phil2:3024 266 1 liste de plus
Dr. Phil Uncensored: Bragging about Heroin Addiction on Facebook1:19921 659
"From Teenage Star to Addicted and Homeless"3:292 534 912
The Dr. Phil Family: Alexandra's Back - 144 Days Sober!!3:27125 744
Dr. Phil Uncensored: Tiffany Makes Excuses2:3499 693 1 liste de plus
17 and Out of Control - An Update on Courtney1:12122 466
Must-See Video: Beka Admits she's an Alcoholic3:8066 110
Alexandra: Inside Rehab - Making Amends1:1335 146
Must-See Video: Alexandra Agrees to Enter Rehab1:2837 536
Grown Man or Baby?2:30654 044
Dr. Phil Family: Admitting to Drug Abuse1:4728 414
The Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra and Brandon: The Intervention, Part 21:5828 357
Dr. Phil Family: Alexandra and Brandon: The Intervention2:2228 531
Dr. Phil Uncensored: Alexandra's Cover Up?1:1618 234 1 liste de plus
Dr. Phil Family: Alexandra Out of Hiding2:2235 473
Teenage Confessions - Addicted to Pills1:5073 724
Dr. Phil Talks to Ted Williams about Entering Rehab5:50127 326
Ted Williams' Family tells Dr. Phil Ted is Lying about being Sober3:2697 709
"The Confrontation" - Dr. Phil talks about Working with Ted Williams0:5844 612
Dr. Phil Uncensored: Thoughts on Ted Williams & Second Chances1:6030 073
Heroin Twins - Scoring Drugs as a Family Activity3:10657 488
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Delivery Day Drama3:1349 331
Dangerous Fads: Huffing3:1051 021
Brandon Returns to Help a Fellow Addict on Dr. Phil2:3350 517

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