Doctor Who
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Series 1 - Doctor Who - BBC (Youtube)
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Watch the highlights of Doctor Who: Series 1, when Doctor Who came crashing back on to our screens, with the adventures of the Ninth Doctor and Rose featuring the Autons, Slitheen, the Gelth, The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe and the Daleks! less
24 vidéos trouvées.

The Heart Of The TARDIS - Boom Town - Doctor Who - BBC3:54177 599 1 liste de plus
Defeating the Jagrafess - The Long Game - Doctor Who - BBC3:22183 273 1 liste de plus
Spaceship CRASHES Into Big Ben! - Aliens Of London - Doctor Who - BBC3:47147 435 1 liste de plus
Ninth Doctor Regenerates - Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant - Doctor Who - BBC3:301 903 8123 listes de plus
A Message From The Grave - "Have A FANTASTIC Life" - The Parting of the Ways - Doctor Who - BBC3:30407 460 1 liste de plus
No Weapons, No Defences, No Plan - Bad Wolf - Doctor Who - BBC3:33458 4412 listes de plus
Rose On The Weakest Link - Bad Wolf - Doctor Who - BBC3:17179 8172 listes de plus
Dinner With A Slitheen - Boom Town - Doctor Who - BBC1:4866 794 1 liste de plus
"Everybody Lives!" - The Doctor Dances - Doctor Who - BBC3:44386 8062 listes de plus
"Are You My Mummy?" - The Doctor Dances - Doctor Who - BBC2:43700 0532 listes de plus
Gas Mask Transformation - "They're NOT Dead!" The Empty Child - Doctor Who - BBC3:11213 537 1 liste de plus
"Please Let Me In Mummy" - The Empty Child - Doctor Who - BBC2:36192 808 1 liste de plus
The Editor Gets The Key To The TARDIS - The Long Game - Doctor Who - BBC2:4464 768 1 liste de plus
"You Would Make A Good Dalek" - Dalek - Doctor Who - BBC1:53326 620 1 liste de plus
The Last Dalek in the Universe - Dalek - Doctor Who - BBC4:80605 537 1 liste de plus
"I'm The Last Of The Time Lords" - The End of the World - Doctor Who - BBC3:36137 299 1 liste de plus
Rose Comes Aboard The TARDIS! - Rose - Doctor Who - BBC2:26145 442 1 liste de plus
Christopher Eccleston's First Scene - "I'm The Doctor By The Way" - Rose - Doctor Who - BBC4:60391 779 1 liste de plus
A Missile for 10 Downing Street - World War Three - Doctor Who - BBC3:56105 988
How To Make The Slitheen Explode! - World War Three - Doctor Who - BBC2:3376 600 1 liste de plus
The Slitheen Unmasked - Aliens Of London - Doctor Who - BBC3:57200 399 1 liste de plus
Charles Dickens Saves The Day - The Unquiet Dead - Doctor Who - BBC4:1149 701 1 liste de plus
Charles Dickens & The Gelth - The Unquiet Dead - Doctor Who - BBC2:3242 558 1 liste de plus
A Race Against The Sun - The End Of The World - Doctor Who - BBC3:5350 211 1 liste de plus

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