Doctor Who
1,454 vídeos, +1,300,000 suscriptores

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The Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston - Doctor Who - BBC (Youtube)
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The sole survivor of the Last Great Time War, scarred by the terrible things he’d seen and done, the Ninth Doctor was an intense and emotional incarnation. Hiding his psychological trauma behind madcap wit and frivolity, he took Rose Tyler to see the end of the world, inspired Charles Dickens and showed that for once, everybody could live. He was still capable of great cruelty and anger though, killing Cassandra and torturing a lone Dalek into submission. After Rose defeated the Daleks using the power of the time vortex, the Doctor saved her by transferring that dangerous power into his own body. The strain destroyed his every cell and as Rose watched, his body exploded with raging energy… less
24 vídeos se encuentrans.

The Heart Of The TARDIS - Boom Town - Doctor Who - BBC3:54177,599 1 lista de mas
Defeating the Jagrafess - The Long Game - Doctor Who - BBC3:22183,273 1 lista de mas
Spaceship CRASHES Into Big Ben! - Aliens Of London - Doctor Who - BBC3:47147,435 1 lista de mas
Ninth Doctor Regenerates - Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant - Doctor Who - BBC3:301,903,8123 listas de mas
A Message From The Grave - "Have A FANTASTIC Life" - The Parting of the Ways - Doctor Who - BBC3:30407,460 1 lista de mas
No Weapons, No Defences, No Plan - Bad Wolf - Doctor Who - BBC3:33458,4412 listas de mas
Rose On The Weakest Link - Bad Wolf - Doctor Who - BBC3:17179,8172 listas de mas
Dinner With A Slitheen - Boom Town - Doctor Who - BBC1:4866,794 1 lista de mas
"Everybody Lives!" - The Doctor Dances - Doctor Who - BBC3:44386,8062 listas de mas
"Are You My Mummy?" - The Doctor Dances - Doctor Who - BBC2:43700,0532 listas de mas
Gas Mask Transformation - "They're NOT Dead!" The Empty Child - Doctor Who - BBC3:11213,537 1 lista de mas
"Please Let Me In Mummy" - The Empty Child - Doctor Who - BBC2:36192,808 1 lista de mas
The Editor Gets The Key To The TARDIS - The Long Game - Doctor Who - BBC2:4464,768 1 lista de mas
"You Would Make A Good Dalek" - Dalek - Doctor Who - BBC1:53326,620 1 lista de mas
The Last Dalek in the Universe - Dalek - Doctor Who - BBC4:80605,537 1 lista de mas
"I'm The Last Of The Time Lords" - The End of the World - Doctor Who - BBC3:36137,299 1 lista de mas
Rose Comes Aboard The TARDIS! - Rose - Doctor Who - BBC2:26145,442 1 lista de mas
Christopher Eccleston's First Scene - "I'm The Doctor By The Way" - Rose - Doctor Who - BBC4:60391,779 1 lista de mas
Russell T Davies on Doctor Who's return - Doctor Who3:2647,942 1 lista de mas
How To Make The Slitheen Explode! - World War Three - Doctor Who - BBC2:3376,600 1 lista de mas
The Slitheen Unmasked - Aliens Of London - Doctor Who - BBC3:57200,399 1 lista de mas
Charles Dickens Saves The Day - The Unquiet Dead - Doctor Who - BBC4:1149,701 1 lista de mas
Charles Dickens & The Gelth - The Unquiet Dead - Doctor Who - BBC2:3242,558 1 lista de mas
A Race Against The Sun - The End Of The World - Doctor Who - BBC3:5350,211 1 lista de mas

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