Big Think
11,285 videos, +2,710,000 subscribers

A Designer's Pet Peeve3:420
Memories of Le Corbusier3:200
"On Vegan and Low Fat Diets, My Health Suffered"6:270
Milk in the Raw9:500
Ersatz Foods, Ersatz Health2:350
Ideal Meals and Guilty Pleasures3:380
Eating Like Our Ancestors5:600
Why What You See Really Is What You Get1:390
Why Women Are More Attractive than Men1:170
Satoshi Kanazawa: Why We Love and Why We Divorce2:190
All You Need Is...Science2:000
"We Don't Need Their Money"4:250
A Cheap Way to Levitate4:500
High Speed Rail? Forget It!3:330
Why Jews Only Go to Temple Twice a Year2:330
Capturing the Breeze2:340
A Literary Critic's Book Picks4:510
String Theory and "Thing Theory"1:110
Your T-Shirt Might Not Want to Be a T-Shirt5:210
Designing Anything, "From a Spoon to the City"3:110
For Designers, the Computer Was "The Great Redeemer"5:250
Could Obama Be Doing More for Black Americans?6:150
"Race Is a Lie Built on a Lie"3:200
Dreaming All the Way to the White House2:500
Why the NAACP Still Matters4:440
The Black "Green Gap"1:570
The New Bigotry in America3:200
For Black Activists, Gay Rights Are "Personal"5:220
Being Dave Chappelle's "Puerto Rican Bodyguard"0:540
Moving at the Speed of Internet7:510
My Controversial Marriage3:380
An Astronaut's Heroes1:900
Icy Space Relations11:400
The Pitfalls of Office Politics1:320
Darwin's Storytellers6:110
Can We Prove String Theory?4:120
Remodeling the Universe4:280
Big Think Interview With Atul Gawande41:380
Big Think Interview With David Albert53:300
"The Strangest Finding Since the Scientific Revolution"10:330
Fly Me to the Moon10:400
Even a Glass of Water Is a Mystery to Physicists4:160
Blame the Economists!3:320
Where Philosophy Meets Science3:4001 list
How Space Travel Can Kill You8:260
Big Think Interview With Peter Woit43:540
What Math Can Teach Physics4:440
Blog Wars and String Wars7:570
The Problem With Trendy Physicists7:700
How to Not Punish Hospitals for Good Care8:480
Onion Editor Wishes He Were Different Famous, Depressed Comedian2:290
Checking Our Costliest Errors7:250
A Doctor's Note: Don't Treat Friends4:290
A Doctor's Penetrating Fear6:520
Treating the Uninsured4:100
The Virtue of Stereotypes3:270
The Astronaut's Worst Career Advice1:600
Why Your Facebook Page Can Never Be Perfect6:390
Are "Tea Parties" Overthrowing Conservatism?6:000
Sam Gosling's Hero1:140
Special Needs, Special Rights5:180
Why Good Works Matter7:310
Global Rights—At Least on Paper3:200
A Feminist Voice for Younger Women4:210
Preparing the GOP For War5:270
Big Think Interview with Tim Shriver7:900
Why Environmentalists Should Get Out More3:570
When Partners Disagree on Sarah Palin3:120
Meet the Young Expansives3:100
Big Think Interview With Sam Gosling26:200
What Our Personal Spaces Can't Hide4:440
Waiting to Work4:110
Leveling The Playing Field—Through Play2:400
Play Only One Sport? Prepare to be Injured5:210
Big Think Interview With Dick Armey35:210
Adam Smith's Non-Profit4:310
Why Scientists Must Address the Public2:190
The Mysterious Inspiration of Lead Belly4:500
Marriages: People-Growing Machines5:200
How the US Plays Into Bin Laden's Hands4:180
How to Write a Song: Imagine a Grateful Dead Show2:150
Why We Should Be Happy the Music Industry Killed Itself2:210
Are We All Gold Diggers and Cradle Robbers?1:530
What Actors and Equestrians Have In Common3:420
Saving the "Jenga Towers" of Human Cells2:700
The Gene Silencer4:320
The Exaltation of Wordplay4:320
Preserving Your Genetic Privacy5:540
The Joy of Forgetting Rock and Roll4:210
Career Switch: What Can You Do After Heading a Rock Band?8:100
Fighting the Web's "Cocooning Effect"3:140
Why the Head of Baltimore's Public Schools Won't Watch "The Wire"1:500
What Happened to Good Political Humor?3:210
Schizophrenia's Identity Crisis8:260
Yes, Religions Can Get Along3:340
What School "Accountability" Really Means4:100
The Case for Closing Failed Schools5:300
How to Read a Poem4:200
The Thrill of the "High-Wire" Interview9:500
Poets v. Prose Writers6:100

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