Big Think
11,285 vídeos, +2,710,000 suscriptores

How power affects the way you behave—and the way you’re punished | Michele Gelfand3:1424,300
Superhumans: The remarkable brain waves of high-level meditators | Daniel Goleman3:29347,795
Coparenting: A lifestyle innovation from our broke middle class | Alissa Quart3:3010,764
The biology of Alzheimer’s – and what we might do to cure it | Lou Reese7:3011,512
Artificial general intelligence: The domain of the patient, philosophical coder | Ben Goertzel4:1214,278
Overcome anxiety: Articulate your rationale, quell your doubts | Jordan Peterson4:5553,051
Political outrage: Why all sides get it wrong about the arc of history | Timothy Snyder7:4826,827
Rethinking college education: Put the student first, not the university | Dan Rosensweig6:5612,490
3 steps to money mastery: Would you rather have freedom or stuff? | Vicki Robin8:1636,176
How to be a great parent or friend to transgender kids | Elijah Nealy9:549,463
How to spot unhealthy ideas that stop true happiness | Johann Hari6:3039,144
How to achieve fame and fortune? Don't focus on them. | Renée Taylor5:209,681
How to be a better listener | Chris Hadfield3:5022,291
Does being beautiful mean dying sooner? In nature, it can. | Richard Prum4:3013,680
What marriage is like in poor countries | Judith Bruce9:2015,149
A mental hack for surviving bad bosses | Beth Comstock4:3514,676
Carl Sagan's most important lesson about science | NASA's Michelle Thaller2:1625,639
What causes income inequality and tribal politics | Bill Drayton4:4119,128
College education is failing us all. Can we design something better?7:7014,790
Artificial general intelligence: What it really takes to program the future | Ben Goertzel5:6015,506
The science of music: Why your brain gets hooked on hit songs | Derek Thompson5:1626,011
How to learn from failure and quit the blame game | Alisa Cohn3:3114,454
Why venture capital can be a trap for entrepreneurs | Nathalie Molina Niño5:269,392
The death of America’s middle class: Sky-high rent, second jobs, and 1% TV | Alissa Quart6:28112,305
Tiny humans, big universe: How to balance anxiety and wonder in astrophysics | Michelle Thaller3:4613,648
Poker skills: Playing against the odds is a rational way to win | Maria Konnikova3:5513,337
Making cancer as harmless as the common cold | Michio Kaku4:1057,333
How one company got $1 billion through secrecy, hacking, and fraud | John Carreyrou5:3827,585
Does America care more about guns than kids? | Arne Duncan5:4612,559
How VR is changing the game of cinema6:5811,851
Why Trump's anti-trade policies win him support4:2016,141
When business goals backfire: How to adjust to unintended consequences6:126,574
The Einstein myth: Why the cult of personality is bad for science | Michelle Thaller6:2020,734
The genius behind creating totally impractical things | David Eagleman3:5413,414
How to become more well-connected | Jared Kleinert4:4617,952
Eternal youth may be possible. Which age would you stay at forever? | Michio Kaku7:3341,935
Why Congress doesn't do anything about gun violence in America | Steve Israel6:2425,664
Is war with China inevitable? | David Kang6:5748,960
Art vs. science? The battle that never was | NASA's Michelle Thaller4:1510,686
Vaccine revolution: Curing Alzheimer's from the inside | Lou Reese5:5711,389
How correcting for cognitive biases makes life more fair | Michael Li3:4513,863
How the mind makes new ideas: Spider Goats, Mario Bros, Dick Cheney | David Eagleman7:8019,958
Elon Musk is fulfilling Thomas Edison's energy dreams | Michio Kaku3:2749,944
How much money is enough? | Vicki Robin5:4337,607
Taboo topics make for good business: Thinx, Tushy, Daybreaker | Miki and Radha Agrawal9:148,668
Trump’s not the problem. He’s a symbol of 4 bigger issues. | Ian Bremmer6:50228,529
Why space garbage is more lethal than a bullet | Michelle Thaller4:239,234
What NASA learned by sending a 77-year-old astronaut into space | Scott Parazynski3:1115,685
The best photos of Earth taken from space | Chris Hadfield5:1622,063
Crazy ideas and hard work: The nuts and bolts of a fulfilling life | Nick Offerman8:4822,964
Beauty and sex: Evolution isn’t as practical as you think | Richard Prum6:5530,307
How immigrants and their children affect the US economy | Robert Kaplan3:4919,944
How futuristic ion rockets supercharge space exploration2:5013,471
Why the wars America starts are unwinnable | Danny Sjursen5:4980,429
The problem with moral outrage on the internet | Alice Dreger3:2921,011
Is all money just a ponzi scheme? | Vicki Robin8:2262,066
Living on Mars: A 4-step guide for humans | Michio Kaku4:2119,667
Sloths: Evolutionary losers or the true king of the jungle? | Lucy Cooke5:1814,733
What America gets wrong about China and the rest of Asia | David Kang7:60106,215
Colonize Mars? Elon Musk, SpaceX and NASA are making big plans.4:3632,112
Why asking childlike questions is so important to science | Hope Jahren5:408,222
How science separates fact and emotion | Heather Heying7:2415,965
The art of argument | Jordan Peterson9:31139,064
Why now is such a cool time to be alive | Chris Hadfield4:1326,927
How social media changes identity, personality, memory | Parker Posey3:2222,728
The oil wars: How America's energy obsession wrecked the Middle East | Eugene Gholz7:2025,478
Self-healing DNA may protect astronauts from killer radiation | Michelle Thaller5:2010,932
Pablo Escobar’s hippos: Why drug lords shouldn’t play God | Lucy Cooke9:42179,113
Being black in the US vs the UK: There's a big difference | Alvin Hall4:1038,447
Will Elon Musk or NASA get humans to Mars first? | Michio Kaku4:3035,682
Being happy has nothing to do with money (or drugs) | Nick Offerman7:5191,956
Is democracy really the best form of government? | Steven Pinker2:3632,097
Should we block out the sun to stop climate change? | NASA's Michelle Thaller5:7015,604
Why more military spending is a bad idea | Christopher Preble8:4220,915
Want stratospheric success? Here’s how astronauts utilize diversity. | Scott Parazynski4:106,806
Marijuana prohibition is racist and criminal, harms kids, and ruins lives | Johann Hari10:2322,076
How to stop politics from controlling your emotions | Tim Snyder7:3926,070
Are millennials lazy whiners or victims of circumstance? | Michael Hobbes9:58101,060
Why your best friend is probably a bad business partner | Miki Agrawal3:5012,075
Veteran reveals what America's wars say about the value of human life | Danny Sjursen3:2417,575
How women and men approach money differently: risk, investment, and return | Sallie Krawcheck6:5120,171
How to conquer workplace discrimination when HR doesn't solve the problem | Alvin Hall6:406,903
The one factor causing depression and anxiety in the workplace | Johann Hari4:3936,440
What jobs will flourish in the future. And which you should avoid. | Michio Kaku5:1875,601
Why moms are the best employees | Lauren Smith Brody2:5710,969
How machine intelligence is remaking the American economy5:3513,419
Inside bias: Why so many companies make big hiring mistakes4:2213,656
What we know for certain about the universe—and what we don't | Michelle Thaller6:4121,805
Did Trump abandon South Korea at the North Korea summit? | Eugene Gholz6:5012,964
Don't sacrifice what you love just to achieve your dreams | Nick Offerman7:1063,832
Why capitalism entails a moral obligation to share your wealth | Ken Lagone6:1023,314
Can you be happy all the time and still grow as a person? | Benjamin Hardy4:0021,553
Why working at NASA is amazing | Michelle Thaller4:5810,064
'America First': The troubling history of a dangerous phrase | Christopher Preble5:8012,341
Does your job match your personality? | Jordan Peterson5:34123,330
Is everyone's voice being heard? How majorities can be allies to minorities | Bill Doherty2:416,678
On the show "Friends", why a harassment claim was dismissed from court | Nell Scovell3:3221,146
What duck sex teaches us about humans, incels, and feminists | Richard Prum8:3866,348
3 ways America is doing politics all wrong3:3214,741
Nick Offerman defines good luck—and how to make your own8:1956,569

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