Big Think
11,285 vídeos, +2,710,000 suscriptores

Is Less Always More? 4 Simplicity Tips | Lisa Bodell3:3115,378
Want to Make Better Decisions? Know the Difference between Engineering and Design Thinking6:5028,370
Quantifying Intelligence Has Gifted Students Falling Between The Cracks | Scott Barry Kaufman4:4017,862
Bill Nye: Anti-Science Politicians Endanger Us All7:3056,941
The Science of Compulsive Online Behavior | Mary Aiken2:5914,248
Time Travel in Science Fiction: A Brief History | James Gleick12:2122,643
Think Again Podcast - Alton Brown - Easy-Bake Oven/Hard Knock Life46:5712,230
Alton Brown: Cook Like a Scientist by Questioning the Status Quo6:1331,075
The Upper-Class Bias of the 2016 Election Issues | C. Nicole Mason3:5419,919
3 Tools for Innovation: Crowdsourcing, Constraints, Reading | Peter Diamandis6:408,891
Penn Jillette Lost over 100 Lbs and Still Eats Whatever He Wants9:40231,981
'Hey Bill Nye, Which Extinct Animal Would You Like to See Alive Again?' #TuesdaysWithBill1:5435,381
How the Internet Normalized Donald Trump and Impacted American Politics3:5130,124
Think Again Podcast - Ian McEwan - A King of Infinite Space38:368,040
Humanity's Greatest Challenges Aren't Technical – They're Human | Nichol Bradford8:4044,019
Online Dating Has Created a Six-Fold Increase in Sexual Assaults | Mary Aiken6:5015,246
A.I. Ethics: Should We Grant Them Moral and Legal Personhood? | Glenn Cohen3:2025,852
The Psychology (and Politics) of Disgust | Kathleen McAuliffe4:4415,629
Can We Repeat JFK’s Magic Tax Formula? | Larry Kudlow10:529,321
‘Hey Bill Nye, Is There a Conspiracy to Cover Up Agricultural Climate Change?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:3742,505
How Parasites Commandeer and Change Our Neurocircuits | Kathleen McAuliffe12:1022,277
How to Use Pre-suasive Tactics on Others – and Yourself | Robert Cialdini9:4831,677
Think Again Podcast – Mixtape – The Writers' Room39:113,719
Abortion and Personhood: What the Moral Dilemma Is Really About | Glenn Cohen7:0039,638
Build Mental Models to Enhance Your Focus | Charles Duhigg6:5234,654
Teach Your Children Not to Fear the Possibility of Failure | Alison Gopnik6:9014,778
‘Hey Bill Nye, Is a Sense of Humor Exclusive to Human Beings?’ #TuesdaysWithBill3:3343,844
Ethan Hawke’s Productivity Lesson: Set Simple Goals4:0018,427
Think Again Podcast - Eric Kandel - The Eye of the Beholder37:167,748
Penn Jillette on Placebo Prayer: Should Atheists Talk to God?7:5051,112
Take This Perception Test to See How Visually Intelligent You Are | Amy Herman4:5649,011
Genome Mapping Will Expand Our Life Expectancies | Alec Ross3:3813,915
Stressful Workplace? Time off Can Boost Creative Productivity | Kathryn Minshew4:5010,659
Has Apple Lost Steve Jobs' Vision of Simplicity? | Ken Segall9:1054,358
'Hey Bill Nye, How Will We Know When to Believe a Time Traveler?' #TuesdaysWithBill4:1280,699
How Forcing Positivity Can Create Despair | Susan David5:3726,845
How To Conquer Depression Through Diet | Dr. Drew Ramsey3:4561,319
Cybercrime: Hacking Goes Way Beyond Simple Identity Theft | Marc Goodman4:1918,132
How to Get Creatively Unstuck: A Lesson from Novelist Jonathan Safran Foer4:5817,057
Cyberchondria: Do Online Health Searches Prompt Symptoms (and Worse)? | Mary Aiken5:419,945
"Parenting" Looks Nothing Like Evolutionary Caregiving | Alison Gopnik9:5419,488
‘Hey Bill Nye, Could the Government Be Hiding Extraterrestrials From Us?’ #TuesdaysWithBill6:19145,322
Think Again Podcast | Jim Gaffigan | You're Attacking My Grandpa?38:1015,246
Caffeine? That’s So Analog. Introducing Electric Neural Stimulation.5:3016,953
Born Poor, Stay Poor: The Silent Caste System of America | C. Nicole Mason4:5520,177
Break Anxiety and Addiction By Examining Your Patterns | Michael Puett4:2939,508
Why Doesn't the U.S. Have a Multi-Party Political System? | Sean Wilentz2:2622,609
Want to Be a Physicist? Develop an Affinity for the Weird | George Musser3:5716,835
Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia13:30264,098
‘Hey Bill Nye, Do You Believe in Ghosts and the Afterlife?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:23104,394
How to Think Like an FBI Negotiator? Use Empathy | Chris Voss2:2822,654
History Lesson: Religion's Portrayal of 'Hell' is Totally Misunderstood | Rob Bell3:5543,832
Penn Jillette on Libertarianism, Taxes, Trump, Clinton and Weed18:10166,851
Analyze the Billionaires of a Society to Gauge Its Economic Health | Ruchir Sharma3:0026,263
The Science of Fear-Mongering: How to Protect Your Mind from Demagogues | Susan David7:5826,849
Augmented Reality: Pokémon GO Is Only the Beginning | Virginia Heffernan3:4018,955
'Hey Bill Nye, Can We Use Giant Magnets to Build a Space Elevator?' #TuesdaysWithBill2:2827,585
Why You Can’t Choreograph Success | Amy Cuddy5:2017,444
Physics vs. Human Perception: Which Represents Reality? | Janna Levin5:4924,032
Is Dropping Out of College Throwing Your Life Away? | Ryan Holiday4:7025,064
A.I. Apocalypse: More Myth Than Reality | Steven Pinker2:2833,330
The Internet Has the Potential to Bridge Our Differences of Experience | Virginia Heffernan3:369,528
Writing 101: Choose Your Critics Wisely | Jacqueline Woodson5:2513,792
Bill Nye: Worrying about the Robo-pocalypse Is a First-World Problem3:6022,321
Jim Gaffigan: Why is Self-Deprecation Funny?4:1318,615
How America's Comedians Became More Intellectual than Many of Its Politicians | A.O. Scott3:3035,064
How Atheist Values Help Correct Religion's Mistakes | Rob Bell4:1031,187
Immigrants Actually Suppress Crime in Gateway Cities – So Why the Panic | Marie Gottschalk3:3015,454
Ego Is a Veneer for Profound Weakness | Ryan Holiday3:4926,246
Why the Internet Is the Greatest Achievement of Any Civilization, Ever | Virginia Heffernan7:1323,732
'Hey Bill Nye, If Humans Colonize Mars, How Will We Evolve?’ #TuesdaysWithBill5:0046,893
Can the Olympics Render Our Tribal Impulses Harmless? | Sebastian Junger2:548,146
Truly Terrible Advice: Find Your "True Self" and Be Authentic | Michael Puett6:2929,933
Increase Your Productivity by Mastering Singular Focus and Mindful Meditation | Emma Seppälä3:3443,339
Torture to Combat Terrorism? It Doesn't Work, but Good Cop Bad Cop Does | Juliet Kayyem3:3012,529
Climate Change Formula: Rising Sea Levels + Coastal Megacities = Forced Migration | Parag Khanna6:1311,047
The Psychology of Con Artists, and How to Avoid Them | Maria Konnikova7:4165,516
'Hey Bill Nye, Can We Bridge the Gap Between Science and Religion?' #TuesdaysWithBill4:1130,463
Tips for Job Seekers: Inside the Mind of a Recruiter | James Citrin8:4227,465
Your Most Powerful Negotiation Tool: The Illusion of Control | FBI Negotiator Chris Voss4:4343,534
Algorithms and Online Dating Won't Change Your Ancient Brain | Helen Fisher2:1312,688
Sex in Ancient Rome: Behind the Tales of Wild Eroticism, a Different Truth | Mary Beard4:4545,927
Why "Us Against Them" Politics Is More Dangerous Than ISIS | Sebastian Junger5:2821,441
Online Video Has Brought to Light Old News: Sanctioned Violence against Black and Brown Bodies6:2912,736
'Hey Bill Nye, If There Is a God, Should We Obey It?' #TuesdaysWithBill6:1094,793
Jim Gaffigan: Self-Awareness Is Essential in Comedy and in Life4:3020,649
Satire Is Deadly to Toxic Regimes | Bassem Youssef3:5523,130
John Leguizamo: Minorities Need Access To Jobs That Get Their Stories Told8:2119,306
Optimize Your Brain: The Science of Smarter Eating | Dr. Drew Ramsey7:2063,495
Why Drone Operators, Non-Combat Soldiers, and Peace Corps Volunteers Get PTSD | Sebastian Junger10:3111,237
Why Bill Nye Condones Genetically Modifying Food5:4135,213
Tips on Stage Performance from Spoken-Word Poet Sarah Kay4:5812,494
What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common? With Maria Konnikova4:5541,795
Buckminster Fuller's Geoscope: Crazy in His Time, Visionary in Ours | Jonathon Keats6:2218,118
There are Three Elements to a Perfect Job. Now Pick Two. With James Citrin4:2827,095
Can Mandatory National Service Fix America? With Sebastian Junger7:1019,150
Political Correctness in Comedy: Is It Making Us Too Afraid to Be Funny? With Chris Gethard5:1422,445
‘Hey Bill Nye, Is Playing the Lottery Rational?’ #TuesdaysWithBill3:5558,422
Why Haven't US Schools Changed in 150 years? Media and Political Neglect, says Nikhil Goyal6:2229,201
The Internet Is Still Brand New. Maybe That's Why We're All Fighting, says Rob Bell6:4739,249

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