Big Think
11,285 vídeos, +2,710,000 suscriptores

America's LGBTQ Community: Eye-opening Facts and Statistics | Bennett Singer5:9013,328
The Universe Doesn’t Give a Damn about Us | Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss on Optimism2:2344,189
Bill Nye: Will Robots Take Everyone's Job?3:2542,674
Nobody Can Have It All, but You Can Learn to Cope | "New Yorker" Writer Ariel Levy4:4916,281
The Truth about Success That Nobody Is Telling You | Former Equinox President Sarah Robb O'Hagan6:2951,552
Defund the NEA and PBS? That's Criminal. | Tribeca Film Festival Co-founder Jane Rosenthal4:3712,327
Want to Be More Empathetic? Start Reading Books by Minorities | Gene Luen Yang5:3814,276
Optimists Decide the Future | "Wired" Founder Kevin Kelly5:9013,665
Carl Sagan Changed My Life: Bill Nye on Chuck Berry, Kids' Love of Science, and Voyager Spacecraft3:5019,323
How Online Advertising Is Tricking Your Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs | Tristan Harris5:3022,067
Donald Trump: The World's First TV President | Adam Mansbach4:1718,777
Quantum Mechanics, Onions, and a Theory of Everything | Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss4:1822,436
Politics Is Based On a Fundamental Lie, says “Cynical Libertarian” Dave Barry4:4025,830
The History of "B*tch" | Merriam-Webster Lexicographer Kory Stamper4:5115,887
China Spends Billions of Dollars Copying Western Art and Architecture. Why? | Gish Jen4:8017,377
Your Mind Is So Powerful It Creates Your Reality: What Isaac Lidsky Learned by Going Blind at Age 253:2758,140
Bill Nye on Conspiracy Theorists: NASA's Moon Landing, Vaccines, Astrology, and Tarot Cards3:4135,229
Shaving Your "Bikini Region" While Driving, and Other Florida Stories | Humorist Dave Berry4:2214,463
Poker Rule #1: To Win, Don't Privilege Your Gut Instincts | Poker Champ Liv Boeree4:1719,138
It Would Not Be Cool If AI Were Conscious — It Would Be Dumb | Daniel Dennett4:2336,405
Einstein's Gravity Waves: How Astronomers Proved Relativity's Key Prediction | Alex Filippenko4:4118,871
Redefine Your Limits by Being Honest With Yourself | Kyle Maynard4:3617,169
America’s Next Moonshot: Cut Poverty 50% by 2030 | Jeffrey Sachs on JFK's Optimism3:158,205
Bill Nye on Climate Change: We Could Engineer Low-Methane Cows — or Eat Less Meat2:5323,674
The Intelligence Revolution: Coupling AI and the Human Brain | Ed Boyden3:5020,401
Digital Addiction: How Half the Developed World Got Hooked on the Internet | Adam Alter5:3430,915
Big Bang Evidence: Frozen Higgs, Frozen Beer, and Gravity Waves | Lawrence Krauss4:1631,958
Scientology Is the McDonalds of Religions | Louis Theroux4:4961,487
Why There Is No Alternative to Publicly Funded Science Research | Avideh Zakhor3:1017,269
'Hey Bill Nye, Does Consciousness Transcend the Brain?'3:4633,698
How "Rude" New Yorkers Treated One Muslim Woman after Trump's Election | Amani Al-Khatahtbeh2:2126,184
Political Correctness Unites People — in Hatred | Adam Mansbach, "Go the F*ck to Sleep"2:5524,754
Thankfully, Everyone Poops: How a Smarter Toilet Could Save Millions of Lives | Philip Eckhoff3:608,825
Got Relationship Goals? Relational Thinking Is Your Launchpad | Esther Perel5:2012,954
Anyone Can Be a Math Person Once They Know the Best Learning Techniques | Po-Shen Loh3:53101,745
Bill Nye: How NASA Will Look for Alien Life in the TRAPPIST-1 System, and Beyond2:3829,480
Are Humans Emotional Creatures or Are We Rational? | Yale Psychologist Paul Bloom4:2924,354
Instant Drone Delivery: How a Former Google Lab Will Disrupt the Ownership Economy | Astro Teller4:3212,412
Hate, Humor, and Political Correctness in America | Josh Lieb3:2915,329
Philosophies of Self: East-West Distinctions | Gish Jen3:4524,628
Tucker Carlson vs. Bill Nye: Round Two – The Science Guy's Reply4:1997,129
Can Innovation Save the Fossil Fuel Industry? | Max Mankin2:3017,180
Earwolf: The Making of a Podcast Network | Scott Aukerman4:414,652
The Gay Rights Playbook Is a Model for Change in America | Evan Wolfson6:908,007
Bill Nye on NASA, Space Exploration, and Mars5:1022,094
Altered States of Consciousness: There’s Nothing Supernatural About It | Jamie Wheal5:2929,726
A Scientific Explanation of the Human Mind | Daniel Siegel5:3530,280
Rust Belt Populism: An Economic Analysis | Pia Malaney7:4219,180
The Making of O.J. Simpson: Made in America | Ezra Edelman4:4712,851
‘Hey Bill Nye, Our Brains Are All the Same – Why Aren’t People More Identical?’2:4128,288
How Astronomy Has Opened the Gates to Humanity’s Greatest Inventions | Alex Filippenko4:5414,911
Artificial Cognification: In the Future Everything Will Be Smart | Kevin Kelly4:2011,474
Political Comedy In 2017: It's Amateur Hour | Josh Lieb3:1812,410
'Hey Bill Nye, What If the World Were Run by Scientists and Engineers?'4:4356,060
Advanced Brain Science: Optogenetics and Expansion Microscopy | Ed Boyden4:1711,775
The Science of Navy SEAL Superlearning | Jamie Wheal4:6062,614
Malaria: How Do You Eradicate an Infectious Disease With No Vaccine? | Philip Eckhoff4:598,822
How We Chase Dopamine: Porn, Social Media, and Alcohol | Steven Kotler3:2955,473
Jeffrey Sachs on Trump's Economics: Populism Won't Save the Rust Belt4:4030,147
Interior Mapping: Drone Deliveries, Emergency Rescue, and Smart Homes | Avideh Zakhor3:499,816
Daniel Dennett: Memes 101 | How Cultural Evolution Works7:5026,678
How Comedy Can Disarm Bullies | Scott Aukerman2:4817,216
How a Math Algorithm Could Educate the Whole World — for Free | Po-Shen Loh4:1357,085
Can Universal Basic Income / Social Democracy Fix America’s Inequality? | Jeffrey Sachs5:1523,555
‘Hey Bill Nye, Is Time Real?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:4746,609
Failing Fast Isn't Really Failure – It's Accelerated Learning | Astro Teller4:5416,551
How Human Consciousness Evolved | Daniel Dennett6:4645,846
Will Superhuman Intelligence Be Our Friend or Foe? | Ben Goertzel7:1017,874
Tim Ferriss | Consider Risky Moves by ‘Fear-Setting'6:1619,645
Quantified Self: Your Digital Self-Help Mentor | Nichol Bradford3:4810,740
What Video Games Teach Us About U.S. Anti-Establishmentarianism | Nato Thompson2:1013,358
'Hey Bill Nye, What If Life Had Evolved From Viruses?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:5535,244
Virtual Reality: The Biggest Tech Disruption in the Next 5 Years | Kevin Kelly5:0022,034
Artificial General Intelligence: Humanity's Last Invention | Ben Goertzel4:3743,886
Election Post-Mortem: How Everything Came Up Trump | Matt Taibbi2:5018,616
The Most Dangerous Global Health Threats | Larry Brilliant5:1812,427
Militaristic or Moral: Do Governments Have to Choose? | Jelani Cobb3:2710,268
How Journalism Was Corrupted by the Power of Privilege | Gay Talese6:1825,460
‘Hey Bill Nye, What Technology Can We Expect to Have 50 Years From Now?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:2052,367
Simon Sinek: Actually, the Customer Is Not Always Right4:2025,546
Einstein’s Persistence, Not Genius, Is the Reason We Know His Name | David Bodanis5:2936,580
Tim Ferriss: Asking Dumb Questions Is a Smart Move4:2340,529
Antidepressants: Why the ‘Overmedicated America’ Narrative Is Harmful | Dr. Drew Ramsey3:4023,320
Will A.I. Allow Humans to Realize Our Full Potential? | Toni Lane Casserly3:4025,840
Trump vs. Zuckerberg: Who Has Contributed More to Fake News? | Bernard-Henri Lévy2:5215,945
‘Hey Bill Nye, Could Scientists Today Create Frankenstein’s Monster?’ #TuesdaysWithBill4:5329,190
China's Economy Is Running on Borrowed Money – and Time | Ruchir Sharma2:2229,641
The Trump-Russia Dossier: What Was BuzzFeed Thinking? | Matt Taibbi3:2821,426
Traditional News Was Devilish – But It Was a Devil We Knew | Oliver Luckett6:5013,593
How Social Media Killed Traditional News | Oliver Luckett6:5013,766
The Anatomy of Teamwork: Master the Art of Collaboration | Diane Paulus13:507,299
Democracy Should Be Divided – but Not This Divided, Says Bernard-Henri Lévy6:6015,413
Why Empathy Is Not the Best Way to Care | Paul Bloom8:2523,943
'Hey Bill Nye, What's the Best Way to Handle Overpopulation?' #TuesdaysWithBill4:5351,520
Diet Science: Techniques to Boost Your Willpower and Self-Control | Sylvia Tara5:5228,902
Negotiation Technique: Understand Our Perceptions of Gains and Losses | FBI Negotiator Chris Voss3:1830,840
Tim Ferriss: Ask Absurd Questions and Stop Fetishizing Failure7:2827,434
Digital Culture: Learn the Language before You Dismiss It | Virginia Heffernan6:4818,494
Why Are We Obsessed with Celebrities? | Tim Wu3:1015,712
Could Autism Be Caused by Gut Microbes? | Dr. Emeran Mayer8:2713,044

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