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BeFiT Bootcamp 30 Day Fat Burn Workout Plan Series (Youtube)
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The BeFiT Bootcamp 30 Day Fat Burn Workout Plan Series is a new fitness series that features weekly training guides that take you through a day by day workout plan using the result-driven, fat-burning, workouts from the all-new 30 Day Fat Burn Series that will sculpt lean muscle, re-shape your body, and kick start your weight loss potential! Tune in every Monday to follow your Expert Fitness Coach, Danielle Pascente through weekly workout plans that are custom made to maximize results fast. Check in on Fridays for weekly Vlogs from hilarious YouTube Star, Nikki Limo where she will provide progress updates as she goes through the fitness mission with you. Transform your body and achieve your goals with BeFiT Bootcamp. Click here for the Week 1 workout plan video:
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