Adafruit Industries
4 454 vidéos, +325 000 abonnés

Light sensor "theramin" motor control @adafruit with CRICKIT #CRICKIT0:38964
A #StarWars "force wave" for motors @adafruit with CRICKIT #CRICKIT1:002 675
CRICKIT R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) GyroBot @adafruit @NintendoAmerica #crickit #adafruit3:332 553
New Products 5/23/2018 Featuring Ultra High Density DotStar LED PCB Bar! @adafruit #adafruit11:488 423
Robot gondola ADABOT with CRICKIT @adafruit #adafruit #crickit0:30528
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 5/24/18 Tightrope Unicycle Bot @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:12:141 042
ASK AN ENGINEER 5/23/18 (video) @adafruit #AskAnEngineer #adafruit1:15:421 479
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 5/23/18 (video) #showandtell @adafruit #adafruit22:51832
3D Hangouts – Paper Crafts and Chipboard55:411 109
Robot trapeze with CRICKIT @adafruit #adafruit #CRICKIT #robots1:392 120
Sensor Graphing with the Plotter: Soil Moisture @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:411 438
Print in Place Hinged Lattice Box - Timelapse0:452 273
Unchained Melody - How to make (ghost) slime with Crickit @adafruit #crickit1:251 848
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly - May 21st, 2018 @adafruit #adafruit57:35698
Audio-Animatronic Hand Binary Counting @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit0:342 861
Animatronic Hand Test @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit0:151 532
CRICKIT flying carousel @adafruit #adafruit1:252 149
Waving Makey with Circuit Playground - PaperCraft1:491 483
Yanny or Laurel robot #yannyorlaurel @adafruit #adafruit #CRICKIT0:533 238
New Products 5/16/2018 Featuring Adafruit CRICKIT! @adafruit #adafruit14:289 047
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 5/17/18 Animatronic Hand @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:18:341 087
Fusion 360 Tutorial – Foldable Boxes37:273 595
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE! (video) #AskAnEngineer @adafruit #adafruit1:16:701 303
SHOW AND TELL - LIVE! (video) #ShowAndTell @adafruit #adafruit25:36990
3D Hangouts – Drones Claws and Paper Boxes1:03:331 356
Drone Claw4:246 061
Make Robot Friend with a @starbucks salad container @adafruit #adafruit4:20741
3D Printed SunDial by @mojoptix - Time-lapse0:375 456
"Robot" Xylophone with CRICKIT @adafruit #adafruit @circuitpython #MakeRobotFriend the musical0:341 423
Richard Feynman "bot" (video) @adafruit #adafruit1:001 861
bubble sort @adafruit #CRICKIT & @CircuitPython animated audio animatronics0:362 150
New Products 5/9/2018 Featuring Adafruit NeoPixel LED Strip w/ Alligator Clips! @adafruit #adafruit8:368 627
Gemma TouchLight - Fancy an Interactive Light? @adafruit #adafruit1:601 201
Gemma TouchLight - Red Light, Green Light, Blue Light @adafruit #adafruit0:48789
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 5/10/18 Pushrod Garage @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:17:80947
Women in Hardware - Episode Five Anouk Wipprecht @AnoukWipprecht @hacksterio #WomenInHardware24:38749
What is CRICKIT? Overview, updates, and more @adafruit #adafruit #MakeRobotFriend10:902 223
ASK AN ENGINEER 5/9/18 LIVE! @adafruit #adafruit #AskAnEngineer1:15:001 638
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 5/9/18 (video) @adafruit #adafruit #ShowAndTell15:111 296
We the Builders @we_the_builders #WeTheRosies 3D printing Rosie the Riveter @adafruit #adafruit1:20618
3D Hangouts – PCBs, Paper and Grippers55:411 188
Doubled-Sided PCBs // CNC MIlling6:458 774
Plant moisture detector for @4H Clovers kit @adafruit #circuitpython0:531 261
Sensor Graphing with the Plotter: Buttons and Switch in Mu #codewithmu @adafruit @johnedgarpark1:19899
3D Printed Lego Light Switch - Time-lapse0:491 823
Heart Shaped Box by @Nirvana made with @adafruit #CRICKIT CircuitPlayground & #CircuitPytho1:18734
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly - May 7th, 2018 @adafruit #adafruit38:50797
Sensor Graphing with the plotter: Potentiometers #codewithmu @adafruit @johnedgarpark1:23866
Sensor Graphing with the Plotter: Color in Mu #codewithmu @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit2:16585
B.O.B. robot made with CRICKIT #MakeRobotFriend @adafruit #adafruit0:521 447
New Products 5/2/2018 Featuring 64x32 Flexible RGB LED Matrix! @adafruit #adafruit8:467 540
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 5/3/18 Slider Crank Cardboard Mechanism @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:11:171 229
ASK AN ENGINEER 5/2/18 LIVE! @adafruit #adafruit #AskAnEngineer58:471 509
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 5/2/18 @adafruit #adafruit #ShowAndTell25:311 051
3D Hangouts – Breakaway Supports, CNC PCBs and Drone Claw1:04:141 729
Palm Beach Mini MakerFaire 20184:601 093
Cobra Sphere Planter0:471 610
art is moving... @adafruit #CircuitPython #CodeWithMu ... made with #CRICKIT #adafruit0:302 232
used the @amazon #boxcraft to make a trash panda using @adafruit #CircuitPython #CRICKIT #CodeWithMu0:461 330
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly - April 30th, 2018 @adafruit #adafruit58:261 049
#MakeRobotFriend with #codewithmu @adafruit #adafruit0:541 503
New Products 4/25/2018 Featuring Adafruit Animated Eyes Bonnet for Rasp Pi @adafruit #adafruit12:4511 322
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 4/26/18 Copper Cardboard Circuits @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:03:531 565
ASK AN ENGINEER 4/25/18 LIVE! @adafruit #adafruit1:01:401 737
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 4/25/18 #ShowAndTell @adafruit #adafruit22:221 010
3D Hangouts – PVA and Cardboard1:00:701 478
D20 inside icosahedron // Using PVA Dissolvable Filament2:292 365
Voronoi Rose - 3D Printing Time-lapse0:361 713
Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + Capacitive Touch #codewithmu #circuitpython0:591 293
Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + Sound @adafruit #codewithmu #circuitpython0:51633
New Product 4/18/2018 Featuring Adafruit Metro M4! @adafruit #adafruit8:298 300
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 4/19/18 DSP-G1 Trellis Synth @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:20:502 146
All the Internet of Things - Episode 3 - Services @digikey #adafruit21:572 121
ASK AN ENGINEER 4/18/18 LIVE! @adafruit #adafruit1:04:261 783
SHOW AND TELL LIVE 4/18/18 #showandtell @adafruit #adafruit20:20839
3D Hangouts – Fumey The Fume Extractor1:05:321 879
Fume Extractor Desktop Fan // 3D Printing1:534 783
Customizable Keyboard Penholder by @ferjerez3d - 3D Printing Timelapse0:431 242
AdaBox - Make Outside the Box @adafruit #adafruit #adabox0:469 758
LEARN: Mold & Cast 3d Prints in Pewter @adafruit #adafruit13:211 857
Adafruit explores AIY with Google #AIYProjects50:377 394
Adafruit explores AIY with Google #AIYProjects - TRAILER1:451 240
Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + MOTION @adafruit #codewithmu #circuitpython1:281 445
Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + TEMPERATURE @adafruit #codewithmu #circuitpython1:11828
New Products 4/11/2018 Featuring 1.54" 240x240 Wide Angle TFT LCD Display @adafruit #adafruit11:4414 785
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 4/12/18 Feather/Trellis Synthesizer @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:04:262 956
ASK AN ENGINEER LIVE! 8pm 4/11/18 (video) @adafruit #adafruit #askanengineer1:10:491 851
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 4/11/18 #showandtell @adafruit #adafruit28:201 438
3D Hangouts – Jumping on NeoPixels59:432 054
DIY LED Trampoline // NeoPixels and Circuit Python4:557 328
Articulated Spider Skull - 3D Printing Timelapse0:571 763
Thinking Machines: Art and Design in the Computer Age 1959–1989 at @MuseumModernArt0:803 471
Finishing up the Metro M4 tester @adafruit #adafruit #deskofladyada18:172 397
LEARN: Cosplay Glow Fur Raver Bandolier @adafruit #adafruit1:201 640
Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + LIGHT @adafruit #codewithmu #circuitpython0:541 861
3D Hangout – CAD and Prototypes44:193 019
JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 4/4/18 Foul Fowl USB Attack Device @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit1:01:201 510
SHOW-AND-TELL LIVE VIDEO! 4/4/18 @adafruit #adafruit #showandtell17:10991
AdaBox 007 Unboxing Pre-Edited Version @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit22:114 749
ADABOX 007 UNBOXING! LIVE! #adabox #adabox007 @adafruit @johnedgarpark46:462 474

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