3,026 videos, +15,798 subscribers

A Cynic Looks At Life by Ambrose Bierce1:59:304
Cymbeline by William Shakespeare3:27:13439
The Cycle Industry, its origin, history and latest developments by Walter Ferdinando Grew3:11:498
Daniel Boone, by Reuben Gold Thwaites4:31:6035
Cutlass and Cudgel, by George Manville Fenn8:59:904
The Danger Trail by James Oliver Curwood6:08:3230
James Baldwin's version, Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children (actually more for adolescents)2:59:2228
Curiosities of Olden Times, by Sabine Baring-Gould8:35:468
Dangerous Days by Mary Roberts Rinehart (2/2)2:22:3410
A Cruise in an Opium Clipper by Lindsay Anderson5:06:8011
Dangerous Days by Mary Roberts Rinehart (1/2)10:00:0066
The Cruise of the Esmeralda, by Harry Collingwood10:30:206
Cuentos de Amor de Locura y de Muerte by Horacio Quiroga6:48:3996
The Custom of the Country (solo version) by Edith Wharton (1/2)10:00:00152
The Dancing Mania by Justus Hecker3:05:5153
The Czar's Spy, by William Le Queux9:35:2112
The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens, in the public domain3:22:5028
the Cuore by Edmondo De Amicis10:38:43161
Critias, by Plato. Translated by Benjamin Jowett1:06:3533
THE DANCING GIRLS, by Edna Ferber2:44:314
The Daffodil Mystery by Edgar Wallace6:59:3327
A Dark Night's Work by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell6:35:4413
The Crimson Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang10:04:58116
The Cricket on the Hearth, by Charles Dickens (1812-1870)3:54:1855
Cuentos de Hadas, Vol. 3 by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm3:11:1010
The Dance of Death by August Strindberg, translated by Edwin Bjorkman3:16:25385
Custom of the Country by Edith Wharton, read by LibriVox Volunteers (2/2)4:59:2372
A Damsel in Distress by P. G. Wodehouse7:31:2154
The Crevice by William J. Burns and Isabel Ostrander8:17:7019
Cuentos de Hadas, Vol2:47:5210
Cupid in Africa by Percival Christopher Wren8:45:807
Daddy Takes Us Skating by Howard R. Garis1:17:901
Grimm's Fairy Tales in Spanish3:48:90264
Dangerous Connections, by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (2/2)8:46:1846
The Dark House by George Manville Fenn4:33:4920
The Damnation of Theron Ware by Harold Frederic (2/2)2:43:2415
Cuentos, Adivinanzas y Refranes Populares by Fernan Caballero2:54:53192
D-99, by H.B. Fyfe4:39:543
Dangerous Connections, by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (1/2)10:00:0050
a public-domain text)28:170
Creatures of the Abyss, by Murray Leinster5:36:174
The Crystal Stopper by Maurice LeBlanc6:54:5111
The Cruel Painter by George MacDonald1:23:254
Criminal Manchester: Experiences of a Special Correspondent by Unknown2:07:522
The Curtezan Unmasked, by Anonymous57:148
Crucial Instances by Edith Wharton5:06:163
The Curse of Capistrano, by Johnston McCulley6:34:40186
Danny's Own Story by Don Marquis7:09:547
Daodejing (Tao Te Ching), by Laozi, translated by Richard Wilhelm1:59:25289
The Creature from Cleveland Depths, by Fritz Leiber1:48:3814
There Are Crimes and Crimes by August Strindberg, translated by Edwin Bjorkman2:01:277
Damn! A Book of Calumny by H.L. Mencken2:26:2713
Crime: Its Cause and Treatment by Clarence Darrow7:44:5214
The Crystal Crypt & Beyond The Door, by PHILIP K1:04:602
A Crown for Joanna, by Sister Mary Jean Dorcy1:49:4911
Danger! and Other Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle6:03:5038
La Dama Duende by Pedro Calderón de la Barca1:55:1885
Dallam's Travels with an Organ to the Grand Signieur, 1599-1600 by Thomas Dallam3:51:1923
Current Superstitions by Fanny Dickerson Bergen4:36:353
Crossways, by W. B. Yeats37:426
Cross Currents, by Eleanor H3:23:252
Creative Mind by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes2:19:8045
The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse, by Thornton W1:46:2293
Ang Singsing nang Dalagang Marmol by Isabelo de los Reyes1:04:5946
The Country Beyond, by James Oliver Curwood9:45:3848
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (3/4)10:00:006
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (1/4)10:00:009
The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade by Herman Melville10:56:12217
Countess Julie, by August Strindberg, translated by Edith and Warner Oland1:23:5025
The Counterpane Fairy, by Katherine Pyle2:44:2514
The Counterpane Fairy, by Katharine Pyle2:39:007
Conquest Over Time, by Michael Shaara1:20:292
Confessionum Libri Tredecim by Saint Augustine of Hippo (2/2)3:49:4219
Confessionum Libri Tredecim by Saint Augustine of Hippo (1/2)10:00:0036
Countdown, by Kurt Becker, S.J.3:52:577
History of the Conquest of Mexico, by William H. Prescott (2/3)10:00:00116
The Covered Wagon by Emerson Hough9:26:9010
History of the Conquest of Mexico, by William H. Prescott (1/3)10:00:00584
Confessions, volumes 3and 4, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau5:23:1394
Across The Years, by Eleanor H6:08:456
Acts, King James Version2:46:407
The Confession, by Mary Roberts Rinehart3:16:3145
Confessions, volumes 1 and 2, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau5:10:41158
A Cousin's Conspiracy, by Horatio Alger, Jr5:15:4418
A Confederate Girl's Diary, by Sarah Morgan Dawson (2/2)3:13:1524
The conquest of bread by Peter Kropotkin6:46:14171
Acres of Diamonds, by Russell Conwell4:29:5831
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (2/4)10:00:0010
Cousin Phillis by Elizabeth Gaskell3:46:1326
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, by Thomas de Quincey5:21:49719
Die acht Gesichter am Biwasee by Max Dauthendey5:34:4959
Creative Chemistry, by Edwin E. Slosson (2/2)1:06:4431
The Courtship of Miles Standish by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1:28:49508
A Confederate Girl's Diary, by Sarah Morgan Dawson (1/2)10:00:00120
Creative Chemistry, by Edwin E. Slosson (1/2)10:00:00101
Cottage Economy, by William Cobbett5:50:4074
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (2/2)1:49:5630
Confessions, by Saint Augustine of Hippo (2/2)3:49:5417

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