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Devoxx BE 2015 (Youtube)
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The Devoxx Belgium 2015 presentations.
77 vidéos trouvées.

The First IoT JSR: Units of Measurement by Werner Keil/Mohamed Taman/Otávio Santana59:28403
REST no more, use an actor and (Lego and Raspberry Pi’s ) by Johan Janssen & Willem Meints50:121 747 1 liste de plus
IOT, timeseries and prediction with Android, Cassandra and Spark by Amira Lakhal52:102 528 1 liste de plus
HTTP 2 0 & Java: Current Status by Simone Bordet54:323 611 1 liste de plus
Lean Startup for Developers conference by Sebastien Arbogast1:01:279272 listes de plus
The Design of a Reliable and Secure Operating System by Andrew Tanenbaum1:01:538 6303 listes de plus
Predicting the Future with Machine Learning by Amy Nicholson1:03:224 658 1 liste de plus
Software architecture as code by Simon Brown1:01:149 4122 listes de plus
What is next for the JCP? by Patrick Curran13:59216
Everything You Need to Know to Grow Open Source by Dan Allen33:198532 listes de plus
Lean Pricing – Pricing Strategies for Startups by Nick Boucart1:02:221 732 1 liste de plus
A Groovy journey in Open Source land by Guillaume Laforge1:01:11906
Arquillian Cube: Production Near Unit Tests Against Docker Images by Andy Gumbrecht48:15819
Plugin Gradle, take the control of the build! by Eyal LEZMY44:80981
Samsung Developer Program and Free Tools for Android Developers by Victor Okunev1:01:45275
Java SE 8 for Java EE Developers by David Delabassee/José Paumard58:531 916
AngularJS FTW? by Sebastian Janzen/Roman Stranghöner35:58950
Advanced Modular Development by Mark Reinhold/Alan Bateman1:01:332 346
Graal.JS - high-performance JavaScript on the JVM by Christian Wirth52:326 686
MVC 1.0 - by Example by Ivar Grimstad/Rene Gielen57:10740
Startup in a corporate - The story of Start It @KBC19:21278
Updates to the Java API for JSON Processing for Java EE 8 by Alex Soto/Mite Mitreski55:50660
What's new in Spring Data? by Oliver Gierke1:00:402 595
Need for Async: In pursuit of internet-scale apps by Konrad Malawski1:01:201 967
A scalable sales organisation thanks to smarter lead management by Jeroen De Wit54:10169 1 liste de plus
Open to a Shift. Belgian e-government’s journey to PaaS by Jef Verelst49:44533
Hardware Prototyping for Software People by Taylan Pince53:25724
Knowledge is Power: Getting out of trouble by understanding Git by Steve Smith46:5117 975 1 liste de plus
Terracotta’s OffHeap Explained by Chris Dennis49:50514
Microservices and Modularity or the difference between treatment and cure! by Milen Dyankov58:241 819 1 liste de plus
Devoxx Registration: Creating our own Android Printer Driver by Alex Van Boxel13:10176
Offline-first web and mobile apps with Polymer and Vaadin by AMahdy AbdElAziz14:111 112
Get Reactive by Wolfram Rittmeyer/Pascal Welsch46:292 790
From Jurassic Web to offline-first and more with Service Workers by Hubert Sablonnière57:12812
The Twelve Factor app: Best Practices for Java Deployment by Joe Kutner32:105 295
Process-driven applications: let BPM do (some of) your work by Kris Verlaenen1:01:531 713
From Startup Manifesto to Startup Nation by Karen Boers58:45120 1 liste de plus
From object oriented to functional domain modeling by Mario Fusco55:578 896
Developing and deploying Java-based microservices in Kubernetes by Ray Tsang56:1420 7702 listes de plus
vert.x 3 - be reactive on the JVM but not only in Java by Clement Escoffier/Paulo Lopes55:118 234
Life of a Twitter JVM engineer: the garbage keeps coming... Tony Printezis57:304 245
Architecting for an Agile Journey that is as good as the End by Ilchenko Andrei44:41445
CDI 2.0 is coming by Antoine Sabot-Durand/José Paumard1:00:22342
Algorithmic 3-D Modeling, Language Modeling and Visual Programming by Michael Hoffer32:101 290 1 liste de plus
Without Resilience, Nothing Else Matters by Jonas Bonér59:312 247
Badass Microservices – Deploy, Build and Scale Your Apps with Payara Micro by Navin Surtani21:29805
Dropwizard entering JEE land in a box by Koen Roevens15:34544
Fast Rest API building with Unfiltered by Joost den Boer15:55220
Chaos Engineering by Lorin Hochstein39:41972 1 liste de plus
Java Generics: Past, Present and Futurit by Richard Warburton/Raoul-Gabriel Urma55:564 542
Real World Use Cases for Tachyon, a memory-centric distributed storage system by Haoyuan Li39:39573
A quick introduction to AWS Kinesis by Oliver Geisser15:442 933
The Silver Bullet Syndrome by Hadi Hariri50:5423 3782 listes de plus
Decoding the air around you with Java and $7 hardware by Bert Jan Schrijver49:447502 listes de plus
Java EE Security API by Jean-Louis Monteiro41:52509
Ask the JDK Architects by Mark Reinhold/Alan Bateman/Robert Field/Stuart Marks1:02:00622
Six principles for building fault tolerant microservices on the JVM by Christopher Batey50:276 1282 listes de plus
Dockerism at Atlassian: A million deaths by Nicola Paolucci16:25322
Back to BASICS - Back-pressured Asynchronous Scalable Immutable Composable Streams by Viktor Klang1:01:201 292
Everything You Need to Know to Grow Open Source by Dan Allen33:19106
4 JVM Web Frameworks in 40 Minutes by Joe Kutner58:393 620
Patterns of resilience - the untold stories of robust software design by Uwe Friedrichsen59:361 865 1 liste de plus
The never-ending REST API design debate by Guillaume Laforge59:295 046
Are You Listening? by Paul Anderson/Gail Anderson/Geertjan Wielenga1:02:70534
New Concurrency Models on the JVM: Fibres, Verticles, Agents and Actors. by Lutz Huehnken1:03:205 981
Project Jigsaw: Under the Hood by Mark Reinhold/Alan Bateman1:01:382 571
How to fail at benchmarking? by Pierre Laporte53:48406 1 liste de plus
Building modern DSLs in Groovy by Cédric Champeau58:101 782
MongoDB and Java8 by Norberto Leite14:59330
20 Years of Java - A Video Retrospective by Stephen Chin33:39744
Deep Learning for common mortals. by Sam Bessalah37:591 318
Towards a rebirth of Data Science by Andy Petrella/Xavier Tordoir53:20211
Why Clojure? by Vijay Kiran38:296 965
Getting Ready for Angular2 by Davy Engone1:01:122 918
Fixing performance problems with someone else's toolbox by Mike Croft15:35340
Looking good: Typography and programming languages by Michael Wiedeking15:57209
Keynote session by Mark Reinhold29:368 983

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